How to counter Zoe in Wild Rift


How to Counter Zoe in Wild Rift

Zoe returned from her interdimensional adventures last January 12, 2023, and has since been spreading mischief in the Wild Rift servers. This playful little mage packs a mean punch, and if you’ve been hit in the face by a fully charged Paddle Star, you already know that she shouldn’t be taken lightly.

Zoe’s kit allows her to move in and out of trouble while dishing out otherworldly damage. However, she doesn’t have a reliable escape mechanism and becomes an easy target right after she drops her combos. Skills and items that can help you survive her initial combo are a must if you’re laning against Zoe. Gap closers and Crowd Control Champions are also vital in shutting her down.

Wild Rift Zoe 2

Best picks against Zoe

Wild Rift Yasuo x Zoe

  • Yasuo – Paddle Star is Zoe’s greatest strength, but its long setup also makes it a weakness; it telegraphs Zoe’s moves making the whole combo easy to dodge. Summon your Wind Wall immediately when you see her placing the Paddle Star, and then chase her down with Sweeping Blade while her skills are on cooldown. 
  • Orianna – the Ball’s Crowd Control effects work well against Zoe’s in-and-out style. Place it on Zoe’s Portal Jump spawn point to stop her from escaping, and she’ll definitely think twice the next time she clashes with you. 
  • Blitzcrank – a well-fed Zoe can one-shot enemy Champions but not Blitzcrank. His Passive, Mana Barrier, builds up a shield around him once his health drops to 35%. This enables him to survive Zoe’s fatal blows and start a counterattack. You can also drag Zoe out of safety with Rocket Grab. 

Best items to counter Zoe

  • Mercury’s Treads – +40 Movement Speed, +10 Magic Resistance, reduces the duration of Crowd Control effects. Increases movement speed by 15% for 3 seconds.
  • Stasis Enchant – puts you in Stasis for 2.5 seconds, rendering yourself untargetable and invulnerable for the duration but unable to move, declare basic attacks, cast abilities or item actives, or use any summoner spells.
  • Quicksilver Enchant – removes all Crowd Control effects and gives 50% Movement Speed for 1.5 seconds.
  • Maw of Malmortius – +45 Attack Damage, +10 Ability Haste, +45 Magic Resistance. Automatically gain a shield that absorbs 350 Magic Damage when your health drops to 35% or lower.
  • Banshee’s Veil – +75 Ability Power, +15 Ability Haste, +40 Magic Resistance. Grants a Spell Shield that blocks the next enemy ability.


  • Always watch out for tells to predict Zoe’s timing. She’ll probably attack soon once she places her Paddle Star on the battlefield.
  • Keep your distance and try to dodge Sleepy Trouble Bubble, as this spell could spell the end of you. 
  • Don’t let her chip your health bar away. If you can’t force a fight, stay out of her range.
  • Zoe clears minion waves quickly. It’s best to work towards other objectives than trying to push while she’s on guard. 

Think you’re ready for another face-off against Zoe? Before you try these strategies, remember to top up your Wild Cores only at Codashop. We offer safe and convenient top-ups for a hassle-free gaming experience. 



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