How to play BGMI: Ten best tips to help beginners



If you are new to the online multiplayer battle royale game Battlegrounds Mobile India or BGMI, this guide will help you get up to speed with your gameplay. More than just eliminating your enemies, the game also requires skills in landing, looting, and staying alive. Read up about the ten best tips and tricks to help beginners improve in the game.

Tips and tricks to help beginners in BGMI

1. Study the map

Many newbies often play down the importance of knowing the maps in BGMI. Take time to learn the prominent spots on each map – where to loot, the buildings, terrain composition, etc. Knowing the ins and outs will also help beginners avoid areas with high conflict, a critical decision that can help them survive longer in the match.

2. Choose the best spot to land

After learning about maps, the next thing that newcomers must know is how to master their landing. Always look at the flight path of your plane; choosing the best spot to land will serve as a key. Avoid landing in areas where more players are expected to lurk, like Pochinki or Sosnovka Military Base. These areas are considered hot drops where gunfights will be intense early in the game. The goal is to stay far away from more players as much as possible. Go for less hostile areas with decent loot like the Mylta area.

BGMI ParachuteImage credit: Battlegrounds Mobile India

In addition, check if you are near your preferred landing spot before jumping out of the plane (a distance of 600-800 meters is good enough). If you land faster than others, you most likely have a shot at getting early access to loot, setting up your weapons, and going for the early kill.

3. Pick your weapons wisely

Your weapon will be your best friend during the game to help you get that elusive chicken dinner. As soon as you land, be fast and careful enough to obtain one – a gun, a pistol, or even a melee to get you ready to defend yourself. As the game progresses, keep searching for more suitable guns – we suggest you prioritize getting a Sniper Rifle or an Assault Rifle. The former will help you shoot enemies from a safe distance, while the latter is an excellent pick with its heavy damage. SMGs are a good option if you’re looking for quick reload capability. 

4. Play with a squad

It’s true when they say that teamwork makes the dream work. This also applies to BGMI, where playing with squadmates can help to achieve your objectives better. Compared to playing with randoms, playing with friends can better communicate and execute your in-game tactics. Whether it be rushing, protecting, or reviving fallen teammates, playing collaboratively will help increase your chances of survival.

5. Practice makes perfect

Beginners should not be ashamed to practice before heading to ranked matches. You can go to the Training Ground to can hone different skills. There’s Shooting Training where you can do Standard (clear all targets per round) and Reaction (destroy targets as soon as possible) training. There’s also separate training for using your throwables!

Learn about the best sensitivity for each gun. This will enable you to adjust how fast or slow your crosshair moves when you do a hip-fire or ADS. Experience what gun recoil is to know how you can control each gun type to make it more efficient when in use.

6. Make life difficult for your enemies by using smart moves

Apart from developing your shooting skills, mobility will also play an essential factor in helping you claim the win. During gunfights, make it more difficult for your enemies to target you by crouching and uncrouching. You can also practice performing drop shots to frustrate your opponents. The trick is to become more shifty and make your movements more unpredictable. Simultaneously, make sure to hit your targets in the process.

7. Be mindful of the circle

The circle is one of the main catalysts in BGMI. The simple rule applies, get outside of the circle or risk dying. Players will receive considerable damage over time if they stay outside the zone, so constantly keep an eye on the circle wall in your map. If worse comes to worst, try finding a vehicle to help you faster get to the safe zone.

8. Grab the wheel, drive a vehicle

In BGMI, staying still will do you no good. As the match progresses, you will need to move from one place to another to get better loot, take down enemies, retreat to safety, and achieve other objectives. Be on the lookout for vehicles – there are plenty in the game including cars, trucks, motorcycles, monster trucks, boats, jet skis, etc.

BGMI VehicleImage credit: Battlegrounds Mobile India

For beginners, using a vehicle adds a layer of protection compared to walking/running barefoot, where a sniper can easily target you. You can also use a car to run over your enemies and faster escape to a safe zone.

9. Avoid running straight during a combat

This may sound silly, but don’t go running straight during a gunfight. Instead, run in a zigzag movement to make it difficult for your enemies to shoot you down. Doing this just might save you in the long run!

10. Use headphones to listen better

Take our word for it; you can use better sound to your advantage. Do this by using headphones throughout the game. This will enable you to hear enemy footsteps better, signaling whether they are closing in from a specific direction, prompting you to prep for the kill.



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