Garena Free Fire Guide for Beginners


With a slew of titles for survival shooter games, it’s high time you take a shot at Garena Free Fire. Widely received by gamers worldwide, it has a whopping 500,000,000+ downloads in Google Play Store alone. A newbie to this genre? We’ve gathered these Free Fire tips for beginners to help survive longer on the island. And more importantly, get you that win!

Get an Advantage with Free Fire Characters

Get a background intel on the unique personas that make up FF. 

Default Characters:
Adam. The first male character unlocked in the game. You can customize his clothes and skin.
Eve. She is the female counterpart of Adam. Also with customizable skin tone and outfit.

Buyable Characters – Females

Laura: This special agent is a tremendous sharpshooter. Give her a gun with high recoil and she’ll do considerable damage. Her weapons must be well-scoped in to achieve increased accuracy.
Skill: Sniper Shooter
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Paloma: She is an extremely genius arms dealer. If you have trouble fitting your items in the inventory, you can now carry more grenades and first aid kits with her skills. AR’s are her BFF.
Skill: Weapons Dealing
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Moco: Fancy a hacker? Moco is barely detectable in cyber system infiltration and with Hacker’s Eye ability,  she can tag and mark enemies and expose their current position to her squad.

Skill: Eye Hacker
Cost: 499 Diamonds

A124. She is an advanced AI robot with human DNA. As a superweapon, A124’s exceptional ability to convert EP to HP real quick makes her a formidable squad frontline.
Skill: Battle Emotion
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Caroline. With speed and agility in her bag of tricks, Caroline is a favourite among shotgun enthusiasts. Arm her with an SG and she’ll gain speed bonus and wreak havoc on the enemy side.
Skill: Extreme Agility
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Kelly. Call her the sprinter extraordinaire. Her athletic capabilities particularly running, makes her an asset in snatching loots and running away to the safest zones. She is also Caroline’s close pal.
Skill: Running
Cost: 399 Diamonds / 2000 Coins

Misha. Dubbed as the racing queen, Misha is a very notorious driver. She has the mastery to drive any vehicle with remarkable increased speed. This makes her a must-have for every squad.
Skill: Acceleration
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 8000 Coins

Nikita. A champion Olympian and professional bodyguard. She can reload high-powered SMG’s faster by up to 24% and is effective during intense firefights, hence delivering the gold.
Skill: Firearms Specialist
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 2500 Coins

Notora. Fast healing is the name of the game for Notora. As support, she’s a reliable healer and can restore health inside a vehicle. Not only a good driver, but she is also a real badass biker.

Skill: Healing
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Olivia. As a skilled nurse, Olivia’s forte is her revival skill, especially for duos and squads. As support, allies who get revived are filled with additional 6 to 40 HP.
Skill: Healing Touch
Cost: 399 Diamonds / 2000 Coins

Shani. The junkyard mechanic, Shani is useful in terms of repairing stuff – including helmet and armour that meted decreased durability. She absorbs durability after successful kills.

Strength: Armor Reuse
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Steffi. Reckless and stubborn, this graffiti artist has the ability to reduce damage, from fire damage and even explosions. She might not look like it, but she is a legit survivor.
Strength: Ink Shelter
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Kapella (New!): Unleash the K-POP! AS support, Kapella uses her Healing Song skill to boost healing items up to 20% and also lower ally’s HP loss when she gets killed. 

Skill: Healing Song
Cost: 300 Diamonds

Buyable Characters – Males
Andrew. A former cop, Andrew is good with armour vests, maximizing its durability to gain reduced damage from all frontiers. Extra protection is his ace card.

Skill: Vest Specialist
Cost: Free as a Log-in bonus

Maxim. A techie and competitive eater, Maxim’s skill allows him to eat mushrooms and utilize med kits faster (by up to 12% in max level) than anybody. Food is life.

Skill: Gluttony
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 8000 Coins

Alvaro. Whoever thought that demolition can be a form of art? His special skill intensifies the range and damage of his explosives like landmines, grenades and rocket launchers.
Skill: Art of Demolition
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Alok. As a top DJ, Alok brings excitement to the Rush Hour battlefield. His clever skill creates an aura of life regen and movement speed bonus for him and his allies.
Skill: Drop the Beat
Cost: 599 Diamonds

Ford. This Will Smith-looking former seaman is a tough survivor. His skill, aptly named Iron Will, reduces damage taken (up to 24%) outside the safe zone. Useful for Solo and early game.

Skill: Iron Will
Cost: 399 Diamonds / 2000 Coins

Kla. Don’t worry if you find yourself dropping or worse, without a gun. As a master of Muay Thai, Kla’s increased fist damage bonus can stack up to 400%. But you still need a gun.
Skill: Muay Thai
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 8000 Coins

Rafael. Can we agree that Skills is “Stealth Kills”? This cold-blooded killer will nod with his ability that cloaks his shots from being seen on the map.
Skill: Dead Silent
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Miguel. As a Special Forces operative, Miguel has an active skill which triggers “Crazy Slayer” to grant him with extra shield points for every kill count.

Skill: Crazy Slayer
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Hayato. For this legendary samurai, there is no tougher protection when he unleashes his Bushido. The skill’s damage is in proportion to the amount of HP when he’s critical, he turns more lethal.

Skill: Bushido
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Joseph. Brainy Joseph, a former Armed Forces recruit, is a speedster who can increase his movement and sprint after taking damage. Count on him for late-game heroics.
Skill: Nutty Movement
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Jota. Parkour and stunt supreme, Jota is a sniper who gains the ability to restore up to 40HP when he kills a foe using a shotgun or an SMG.
Skill: Sustained Raids
Cost: 499 Diamonds

Antonio. As a mad gangster from an early age, Antonio’s special skill grants him extra life at the start of the game. This allows him to loot better despite getting damage.
Skill: Gangster Spirit
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 8000 Coins

Wukong. Need a survival tip? Turn yourself into a bush to avoid and surprise enemies. This Monkey King has awesome camouflage skills to aid in his quest.
Skill: Camouflage
Cost: 499 Diamonds / 8000 Coins

Wolfrrah (New Character): He will be arriving in hot for the upcoming OB22 update. Wolfrrah boasts of the Spotlight Ability which lowers headshot damage and increases damage to the enemy’s arms and legs. 

Strategise your landing spot
The game shouldn’t be a hard-map life. While waiting to deploy alongside 49 frenemies, calmly think where you want to land. This is pivotal for the early game as it will greatly affect the number of enemies you initially come across, with the chance of getting good loot or headshot both on the line. Want to shun more enemies? Land on an empty area. Going for more inventory? Get to buildings first.

Use the mini-map to your advantage

The mini-map brings larger than life assistance to you during the game, so always look at it. It comes very handy in spotting enemies coming near you, (refer to the red arrowheads). Plus it points you to the direction where enemy guns are being shot at. Take it as a cue to move forward or take cover.

Know your weapons
In Free Fire, you’ll never run out of options to pull the trigger. Take a pick from 9 weapon sets, each with its own pros and cons. The list includes SMG’s (Sub-Machine Guns), LMG’s  (Light Machine Guns), AR’s (Assault Rifles), SG’s (Shotguns), SR (Sniper Rifles), Pistols, Launchers, Crossbows, and Melee weapons.

As the game evolves, new weapons and features will be added. Learn more about these here on our full blog post, as it’ll teach you what each weapon has to offer at any given situation.

Your sights turn red for a reason
ALWAYS be on the lookout when your player’s sight turns red. That’s your cue when an enemy is in front of you. When you fire at will, enemies will be hit (both in aim and regular mode). Also, your reticle is your best friend on the field. This prominent in-game feature changes colour when you catch an enemy within the scope. Call it instant eye spy. 

Use vehicles to move faster
If you chance upon a vehicle on the battlefield, put the pedal to the metal. That’s undoubtedly effective when you want to reach an area faster or when in dire need of a quick escape — both while offering protection to the driver. The list of vehicles at your disposal include motorbikes, pick-up and monster trucks.

More than a mode of transport, vehicles are effective means to ram over and ultimately, kill opponents. You can, however, dodge this impending doom by moving around the building and seeking refuge behind terrain obstacles. You can also throw a Gloo Wall to set a temporary shield. When all else fails, man up and try to outgun the driver.

Avoid getting hit
Staying alive is > shooting. It’s not that bad if you don’t engage right away and opt to stay unscathed. It’s more practical to prepare for what’s to come later on, so just keep on looting. Move around and be stealthy. Hop in one of those trucks or bikes and escape somewhere safer until late game where you have better chances of winning.

There’s more to learn in this game and that’s where the fun part is. Practice your skills and do as many classic games as you can. Don’t run too much away from a fight. Man up and develop good combat skills, compadre.

If you want to have an edge with the newest weapons and incredible add-ons, topping up your Free Fire Diamonds is easy only at Codashop.



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