Black Dragon Technique: The Ultimate MLBB Guide to...

Yu Zhong - Mobile Legends
Mobile Legends recently introduced one of the hardiest heroes to ever set foot on the Land of Dawn -- enter the dragon with Yu Zhong. Hailing from Cadia Riverlands, this Humanoid Dragon is rugg...

MLBB weekend discount: 30% off on selected skins

A great weekend awaits MLBB players because selected skins are on sale at 30% off from today until July 12! That's a lot of savings, especially if you get all 3 participating skins. In case you're ...

How to Buy Diamonds in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang

Topping up diamonds on your Mobile Legends’ account is easy as counting 1, 2, 3. And the good news is, there’s no credit card, registration or login required! With a wide range of payment optio...

May 2020 Starlight-exclusive skin: Granger’s...

A marksman that shoots non-stop, preventing enemies from getting closer while dealing serious damage. The spotlight is on Granger for this month's starlight-exclusive skin. Amazing design and v...

The electrifying beauty of Selena’s Thunder ...

As if this hero can be even more beautiful, Selena gets an electrifying makeover with it's new "Thunder Flash" skin. Selena also boasts special skills. You can't go wrong with its ability to sw...

With a knack for eating enemies, what do you think...

Mobile Legends Barats
Eat your enemies whole with Barats, the dino rider tank in Mobile Legends Our mighty tank users are in for a big treat with the newest hero in town, dino rider Barats. Together with his dragon li...

Surf and Slay on Sand: The Ultimate MLBB Guide to ...

Hero Guide - Mobile Legends Khaleed
Mobile Legends introduced another hero in Khaleed, the tireless leader of Artha Clan. One interesting fact about this sand-wielding warrior is his strong ties with the master spearton himself, Mos...

August Starlight-exclusive skin: Wan Wan “Te...

Get your "funk" on with MLBB's August Starlight-exclusive skin! Wan Wan "Teen Pop" spells young and fun! Get instantly drawn to Wan Wan's newest skin as she takes the center stage this month. H...

New MLBB skin: Baxia Badass Roller

Baxia is owning the road with his swag style and spiky rollers thanks to his new skin "Badass Roller"! Don't come near, those spikes can kill. With a pair of denim jeans, red leather jacket, wide b...

Heroes Never Fade! The Mobile Legends Guide to Zil...

Zilong Hero Guide - Mobile Legends
OG’s never die, or at the very least, should not be forgotten easily. Zilong is part of the original heroes in Mobile Legends’ release in 2016. But over the recent years, his popularity has droppe...

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