Home Games Diablo Immortal

Diablo Immortal

    Diablo Immortal Barbarian Class Build Guide

    Diablo Immortal Barbarian Class Guide
    Barbarians. When we think of a particular image of ruthless, aggressive, and outright violent character class, Barbarians often top the list - aside from their monster counterpart, Orcs. In Diablo...

    Diablo Immortal Necromancer Class Build Guide

    Diablo Immortal Necromancer Class Guide
    The Necromancer class is one of the six playable classes in Diablo Immortal. Necromancers are known as masters of the dark arts and for their unique magical traits that could summon the undead. Th...

    Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Class Build Guide

    Diablo Immortal Demon Hunter Guide
    Diablo Immortal was released in June 2022, and with it came six classes. Among these was the Demon Hunter, a ranged DPS with the knack of catching their enemies unaware with their traps. This clas...

    Diablo Immortal Monk Class Build Guide

    Diablo Immortal Monk Class Guide
    In the world of Diablo Immortal, players get to choose one of six classes, each with their own unique traits and abilities. But if there's one class designed to get right up to the enemy's face and de...

    How to Find and Unlock Demon Gates in Diablo Immor...

    Diablo Immortal Demon Gates
    If you're looking for an exciting challenge in Diablo Immortal, then Demon Gates should pique your interest. It's the perfect place to test your skills and reap the rewards for your efforts. Howev...

    Diablo Immortal: What is a Warband?

    Diablo Immortal Warband Camp
    Diablo Immortal is a multiplayer game that focuses on doing raids and dungeon clearance as a team. While one can play the game as a solo adventurer, there are some instances where a party might be...

    How To Essence Transfer in Diablo Immortal

    Diablo Immortal Essence Transfer Guide
    Diablo Immortal is a free-to-play massively online action-adventure game by Blizzard Entertainment that is set between the events of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3. It also takes some core mechanics from t...

    How to Use Auto Navigation in Diablo Immortal

    Diablo Immortal Auto Navigation
    Ever since the global release of Diablo Immortal, many players have enjoyed its exciting dungeon-crawling mechanics as well as some of its more modern quality-of-life features. While the game has ...

    Beginner’s Guide to Combat Rating in Diablo Immort...

    Diablo Immortal Combat Rating
    Diablo Immortal features a robust statistics system derived from tabletop games. One of the aspects that players should take note of is their character’s Combat Rating (CR). But what exactly is CR...

    Diablo Immortal Battle Pass Guide

    Diablo Immortal Battle Pass Guide
    Diablo Immortal is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online RPG (MMORPG) from Blizzard Entertainment and Netease Games. Set between the events of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, Diablo Immortal puts pla...
