Call of Duty: Mobile Season 10 – World Class: Update Notes and Special Features


Call of Duty: Mobile Goes World Class

The new season of Call of Duty: Mobile (CODM) is upon us. The theme for this upcoming season is the world’s most beautiful sport, soccer, featuring an assortment of soccer-themed Operators, Weapon Blueprints, Operator Skill, a new submachine gun, and a new multiplayer map. Plus, skins featuring three of soccer’s best players: Leo Messi, Paul Pogba, and Neymar Jr. This season coincides with the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2022 that will start on November 20. Soccer fans will definitely want to watch out for this season.

Soccer Legends Join the Action

What could be more exciting than having three of the best soccer players in the world join the action in CODM? Representing their respective countries in this upcoming World Cup, Paul Pogba (France), Leo Messi (Argentina), and Neymar Jr. (Brazil) will first take on the challenge of eliminating enemies in CODM. Imagine leading the charge with Leo Messi, or taking a defensive approach with Pogba, with Neymar running wild. Just like a real soccer team.

New Multiplayer Map

Season 10 introduces a new multiplayer map that is small and enjoyable. From Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War comes Crossroads Strike. Featuring annex buildings, a Munitions Storage, and a connecting bridge that will surely get a lot of attention from both sides.

Additional Places to Explore in Battle Royale

CODM Battle Royale has now expanded to include three new points to explore in Isolated: the Atlas Ship Crash Site, Atlas Refining Facility, and a soccer pitch called Stadium. Since these three points are new, expect players to explore them. Maybe you can wait for the right moment to get some easy kills.

New Operator Skill: Ballista EM3

The Ballista EM3 Operator Skill adds a new dimension to the choice of Operator Skills. The Ballista EM3 is a sniper rifle with a one-shot, one-kill potential. Best to use for maps that have long sight lines. The Ballista EM3 Operator Skill is available for all users at Tier 14.

New Weapon: LAPA SMG

New season means new content. Aside from new Operator Skins and maps, a new weapon is also available starting Season 10: the LAPA submachine gun (SMG). It is available in the Battle Pass for everyone (Free and Premium) at Tier 21. This brings us to…

Battle Pass Rewards

Free users will have a blast at the rewards for this Season’s Battle Pass. The new Operator Skill, Ballista EM3, is available at Tier 14, the aforementioned LAPA SMG at Tier 21, the RPD – Victory! At Tier 50, and various camos and Weapon Blueprints.

Premium Battle Pass users can avail Paul Pogba at Tier 1 and the Urban Tracker – Tracked at Tier 12. At Tier 50, the Weiner Winner Ajax skin and the LAPA Hot Dog Rifle skin. Along with an assortment of weapon skins, camos, and Weapon Blueprints, the Premium rewards will surely keep soccer fans on their toes.

2022 World Championships

Players should also watch out for the first-ever in-person Call of Duty: Mobile World Championships. 16 teams from 7 international regions will compete for the US$ 1.7 million prize pool.

Fans of CODM can purchase tickets on-site or stream them in-game to redeem awards, or on Youtube. The tournament will run from December 15 through December 18 with special events in-game that will hype players about the upcoming tournament. Watch out for the animated shorts that will be released prior to the tournament that depicts fictional members of the Call of Duty fanbase as they group up heading to the World Championships.

What’s New at the Store?

There is a lot of new content at the CODM Store. Here is a brief overview of the available and upcoming items at the Store for Season 10.

  • Soccer Stars: The Leo Messi and Neymar Jr. skins are available through a Lucky Draw in the Store along with Weapon Blueprints and other items. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take two of the best soccer players on a different field – the battlefield.
  • Battle Pass Vault: New to CODM is the Battle Pass Vault that features old Battle Pass rewards on top of the rewards of the current season. Just use the Battle Pass coins earned in the current Battle Pass season to gain access to the rewards of the previous Battle Pass. For every previous Battle Pass purchased, players will instantly unlock one Operator, one Weapon Blueprint, one Charm, and one cosmetic item.

Players will have access to the purchased Battle Pass Vault from season to season, allowing players to make progressions across multiple seasons.

  • Mystic Spectre: Another first in CODM is a Mythic Operator: the heavily upgradeable Spectre. Players can customize the skin through three upgrade paths that change its armor’s color and complexity.

Reasons to Get the Season 10 Battle Pass

For me, it’s definitely the soccer theme. Not a soccer fan? The weapon skins look really great and very comical (LAPA Hot Dog Rifle). Access to the Battle Pass Vault and progressing through it is also an enticing offer to purchase the Battle Pass. This season is also hyping us to two major events: the FIFA World Cup and the CODM World Championships. What better way to celebrate the two events than to experience them in one game? CODM will definitely score hat-trick goals with this Battle Pass and make us chant “ole!”.

Try out the new features, especially the new multiplayer map and Battle Royale areas, solid gameplay, and claim exciting rewards in Call of Duty: Mobile Season 10 – World Class.

Release Date

The new season of CODM was released last November 9, at 4 PM Pacific Time.



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