Wild Rift: Ultimate Spellbook Event Guide


The Rift is home to many Champions, each with various abilities—from intricate Passives to Unga Bunga skills—you can use to stomp your opponents straight up. When used at the right moment, these skills create the beautiful plays and fun moments we play for.

As a Wild Rift player, have you ever wondered what plays you could make if you could take your favourite Champion and equip it with another Champion’s Ultimate? Imagine how funny or strong the plays would be if you pick the agile Master Yi with Tryndamere’s death immunity and the sneaky Pyke with Yone‘s monstrous Fate Sealed crowd control. That’s exactly what you can do with Wild Rift’s version of the League of Legends Ultimate Spellbook.

Wild Rift Ultimate Spellbook Official Art
Image credit: Riot Games

What is the Wild Rift Ultimate Spellbook? 

The Ultimate Spellbook is a limited event in Wild Rift. It allows the players to choose from a small pool of Champion Ultimates to replace one of their Spells. The ults also come with lower cooldowns than usual, so that you can go wild with those combos! The game mode also comes with the following game settings:

  • Ultimate Spellbook ults have a built-in ability haste and level up when you hit levels 9 and 13.
  • Ultimate Spellbook Ultimates deal adaptive damage. If you typically deal AD but get an AP ult (or vice versa), it’ll scale to your main stat.
  • Players get extra Spell ability haste, health, tenacity, and movement speed.
  • Champions grow in size with each kill and shrink with every death.
  • After 15 minutes, the Nexus no longer restores health.
  • Junglers will be given an automatic Obsidian Smite that kills monsters at or below 450 HP.

You can check Riot’s official announcement here for a more in-depth look at the Ultimate Spellbook.

Missions and rewards

Like many Wild Rift events, the Ultimate Spellbook event brings daily missions and rewards to make the entire experience more worthwhile. Missions refresh every day at 0:00 UTC. Remember to log in on time to receive up to 750 Blue Motes and a cute Spellbook Poro emote!

Image credit: Riot Games


The Ultimate Spellbook’s setup makes for the funniest clips and OP combos, and what I like about it the most is that it forces you to rethink your approach to team fights. It’s a must-play event, and we’re all looking forward to its future runs! Want to learn more about Champion Ultimates? Check out our Wild Rift guides here, and remember to top up your Wild Cores only at Codashop to enjoy a fast and secure gaming experience.