VALORANT: Best Agents to Play In Lotus


Best VALORANT Agents to Play in Lotus

The new VALORANT map, Lotus, has been online for at least three weeks. In that span, many teams in all ranks have been experimenting with Agents who are the most optimum picks for the new map. In both ranked and unranked games, I have seen common Agents and picks that work but could be more precisely optimum and valuable in this map. In this article, I will list the best Agents to play in Lotus.

Best Controller Agent in Lotus: Omen

Omen gets a lot of value with his smoke covers and his very useful Paranoia (E). He can also take advantage of Lotus’ revolving doors and different elevations with Shrouded Step (C). Having three bomb sites also makes his From the Shadows (X) a very impactful ability, especially when used to get the Spike to plant in a clear site. As of this writing, Omen’s pick in Lotus is similar to having Astra in Pearl. To see how to play Omen in Lotus, we detailed his impact in this article.

Honorable mention goes to Viper as her Toxic Screen (E) blocks the enemy’s line of sight and slices portions of the map. Not to mention her Viper’s Pit (X) can lock down the majority of B or C Sites if she decides to hold them. A Viper + Omen dual Controller is becoming common in my Lotus matches.

Best Initiator Agent in Lotus: Fade

Despite the recent nerfs to Fade before Patch 6.0, her utility is very useful in Lotus. The platforms that her Haunt (E) can land on this map are incredible and, so far, unpredictable. Her Prowler (C) has the same value as Skye’s Trailblazer but with a similar effect as Omen’s Paranoia. Locking down enemies using her Seize (Q) in B Site or A Rope can be her most impactful use of this ability in this map. While her Ultimate, Nightfall (X), can quickly scan the sites for easy information gathering and retakes, if necessary.

Honorable mention goes to the rest of the Initiator Agents: Sova, KAY/O, Skye, and Breach. I have seen Sova players in Lotus with really great value. KAY/O is a good 2nd Initiator Agent if the idea is to gather as much information as possible. Skye can be a suitable replacement for Fade or can be used as a 2nd Initiator alongside Fade as her flashes can be popped compared to KAY/O’s FLASH/DRIVE (Q).

Breach can stop attacking aggression early and initiate a site push using his Faultline (E). Paired with an Omen, Breach can be as impactful as Fade. However, he lacks the recon abilities the other Initiators have.

Best Duelist Agent in Lotus: Any

Each Duelist Agent in VALORANT has their unique quirks in Lotus. Yoru is viable for mixing up offensive tactics by using his Gatecrash (E) to lurk after gathering information or placing it deep in the bomb site for an aggressive push. I usually see Phoenix picked and played in close quarters like B Site or C Site. His Ultimate, Run It Back (X), has a lot of value in these sites. Jett also sees a lot of play here, along with Reyna. Jett can essentially play her usual off-angles, while Reyna can play like Phoenix. Raze has a big value in this map, but due to her limited Blast Pack (Q), it is essential to think of how to escape or retake sites. Lastly, Neon can also mix up offenses by quickly rotating for lurks or information gathering. Her Fast Lane (C) also gives her options for entering and taking space, especially in tight spaces like B Site and C Site. If you’re mainly playing Duelist, you can experiment with any of them on this map.

Best Sentinel Agent in Lotus: Killjoy

Killjoy can hold two sites on this map. From B Site, Killjoy can control a carefully placed Turret (E) in C Site. This puts her in a league of her own in this map. Her retake with her Ultimate, Lockdown (X), has a lot of value given that when it is placed in a strategic location, it can lockdown both B and C Sites. But, practically, using her Ultimate for one site is already impactful. 

Killjoy anchor

Honorable mention goes to Cypher. His Trap Wire (C) can cover many areas now since its range was increased by 50% in Patch 5.10. He also has a powerful one-way “smoke” with his Cyber Cage (Q) placed in the right side pillar of A Site, near A Stairs. Some advanced setups increase Cipher’s value; however, playing Killjoy on this map is easier. A one-trick Cypher player can be the second Sentinel to lock down A Site while Killjoy defends B and C Sites.

Sage is also a good Sentinel here, with many spots where she can use her Barrier Orb (C) to block entrances or give her a very cheeky off-angle spot. Of course, her Resurrection (X) is still one of the best Ultimate abilities in the game and has a lot of value in this map.


The way Lotus is played in VALORANT lately has revolved around these Agents. As the VALORANT Champions Tour season draws near, we might see Agents who are not on this list. Who do you think are the best Agents for Lotus? Are you also excited to see this map being played at the highest level? Let me know what you think.

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