The balancing power of Luo Yi’s Yin-Yang Mage


MLBB’s new hero Luo Yi, with it’s skin Yin Yang mage, maintains the right balance of light and dark energies. Such powerful combination brings threat to anyone who comes her way.

Casting the energy of Yang/Yin behind a fan-shaped area is her first blow towards killing the enemies. This is then followed by summoning Fire of Yang/Aqua of Yin to slow down the opponent and deal huge damage. The final blow is done by creating a teleport circle. With just a blink of an eye, she sends herself or any allied heroes in the circle to another direction, catching enemies by surprise before attacking them.

If that’s not enough to get you excited about this new hero, does it help to know that you can get it for free by just logging in? Better news is that you can get her skin for only 50 diamonds!

Recharge Diamonds Mobile Legends at Codashop now and add Luo Yi Yin Yang Mage to your list of amazing skins!