VALORANT Knife Skins to Check Out Now
If you're a fan of VALORANT, you know that having the right equipment can make all the difference. And when it comes to knives, the right skin can look fantastic and give you an edge over your opp...
6 Beginner-Friendly Characters in Free Fire
You've finally decided to jump into the world of Free Fire, and you're probably having trouble deciding who to play as. In this game, choosing the right character can make all the difference. Each...
Ragnarok X Guild System Explained
The guild system is a hallmark of the Ragnarok Online experience not only because it's where you can find friends to share your journey with but also because it's one of the main ways to get stron...
Genshin Impact “Windblume’s BreathR...
Take a break from the scorching dunes of the Sumeru Desert and pack your bags because we're returning to Mondstadt for this year's Windblume Festival, Tr...
Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot Beginner’s Guide
Lazy mornings in Windrise, sunsets in Qingyun Peak, Enkanomiya's artificial sun, Seirai Island's calamitous shores, and the Sumeru Desert's enchanting evenings -- these are just a few of the many pict...
Genshin Impact: Best Genius Invokation TCG Decks t...
Travellers have been frequenting the Cat’s Tail recently not just because of Diona’s unintentionally delicious blends but also because of Genius Invokation, the trading card game (TCG) that has ta...
Genshin Impact Genius Invokation TCG Beginner’s Gu...
So, you’ve maxed out all your characters, cleared the Spiral Abyss with ease, and are running out of quests. Now you’re looking for something to do besides hanging out in Liyue Harbor and listenin...
How to get the Inazuma weapon recipes
Completing Inazuma's 4-star weapon line is one of the most rewarding things you can do, not only because of the set's sleek design and the cool poses you can make with it and the Kamera but also becau...
Different types of Crosshair Codes in VALORANT
VALORANT, the high-stakes tactical shooter, requires quick thinking and even quicker aiming. A player's crosshair can make all the difference in the heat of the moment. With so many crosshair opti...
VALORANT Solo Queue Tips to Help You Rank Up
VALORANT has been around for nearly three years. Its ranked queue is probably the most difficult in terms of the discrepancy between skills, the possibility of smurfs in low ranks (the phenomenon ...
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Honkai Star Rail 3.1 Update: Exciting New Characte...
All aboard the Hype Train, Trailblazers! Ready to hop back on the Astral Express and dive into some juicy new content? Honkai Star Rail’s 3.1 update, ...