Genshin Impact Version 2.4: New Characters, Skins, Area, and more


Genshin Impact Version 2.4

Genshin Impact welcomed the new year 2022 on a high note with Version 2.4, led by new characters Shenhe and Yun Jin. ‘Fleeting Colors in Flight’ sets off Travelers for awesome content, including new events, a new location to explore, plus new enemies to battle. Fan-favorite Rerun Banners of Xiao, Zhongli, and Ganyu are also making a big comeback.

Genshin Impact 2.4 New Characters: Shenhe and Yun Jin

Two polearm-wielding characters from Liyue make their anticipated debut in the game.  ‘Lonesome Transcendence’ Shenhe is a 5-Star Cryo character who can buff other Cryo allies. Teammates are provided with Icy Quill effects that increase their damage. Shenhe’s Elemental Burst in Divine Maiden’s Deliverance unleashes a clone with the power of the Talisman Spirit that deals AoE Cryo damage.

Genshin Impact Shenhe‘Lonesome Transcendence’ Shenhe. Image credit: Mihoyo

The other newcomer is ‘Stage Lucida’ Yun Jin. This 4-Star Geo character, a famous opera singer, has great potential as a solid support character with her Elemental Skill that forms a shield. Yun Jin’s Elemental Burst is called Cliffbreaker’s Banner. It dishes a one-time AoE Geo Damage while granting all nearby allies a “Flying Cloud Flag Formation” that increases the damage of normal attacks.

Genshin Impact Yun Jin‘Stage Lucida’ Yun Jin. Image Credit: Mihoyo

Banner Reruns and new skins

Thanks to the latest update, players will also get the chance to get fan-favorite 5-Star characters. Prominent Liyue figures in Xiao, Zhongli, and Ganyu, all make their highly-anticipated comeback in the event wish in Version 2.4. Make sure to stock up on your Primogems to stand a chance of pulling them!

Ningguang Orchid Evening Gown
Ningguang’s Orchid’s Evening Gown. Image credit: Mihoyo

Another exciting feature of Version 2.4 is the new outfits for Ningguang and Keqing. Participate in the “Fleeting Colors in Flight” event for a chance to obtain Ningguang’s “Orchid’s Evening Gown” for free. Players can also get a 4-star Liyue character of their choice by completing four challenge quests.

Keqing’s new outfit, “Opulent Splendor”, is also available in the Character Outfit Shop with a limited-time discounted price of 1350 Genesis Crystals (from 1680).

New Weapon

Genshin Impact Calamity Queller

With two new polearm users introduced, players can equip their new characters with the Calamity Queller, a 5-Star Polearm forged from some strange crystal. This weapon has the ability to increase all Elemental Damage Bonus. Gain Consummation after using an Elemental Skill. The effect increases the attack of the character equipping it by a certain amount per second, stacking up to six times. When the character is not on the field, Consummation’s attack increase is doubled.

New Area called Enkanomiya

Genshin Impact Enkanomiya
Image credit: Mihoyo

A new area will also be available after the Version 2.4 update. Enkanomiya on Watatsumi Island, Inazuma, is a mysterious area under Sangonomiya. To unlock this new location, players must complete the following criteria:

  • Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above
  • Complete the Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals”
  • Complete the World Quests “The Still Water’s Flow” and “The Moon-Bathed Deep”

New enemies

With the arrival of Enkanomiya, a new set of enemies and other living beings also make their way into the game. Get ready to encounter new Elemental Variants of Specters (Pyro, Cryo, Electro). Prepare for an intense fight against formidable predators in Bathysmal Vishaps –  a new world boss that lurks under the deep seas. You’ll also discover living beings like the colorful Rays and Deep Sea Unagi. 

Genshin Impact Bathysmal Vishap

All these and more await all our dear Travelers. Let us know in the comments section what you are most excited about the latest Version 2.4 update in Genshin Impact!

Don’t forget to top up Genesis Crystals for Genshin Impact on Codashop. It’s faster and easier, with plenty of convenient payment methods available.