6th Anniversary promo: Free item codes for 6 days


Codashop’s 6th Anniversary celebration continues, free item codes are up for grabs!

Participating games:
MU Origin 2:               First 10,000 qualified transactions
Life After:                   First 500 qualified transactions
Light of Thel:              First 2,000 qualified transactions
World of Dragon Nest: First 900 qualified transactions
Lords Mobile:              First 500 qualified transactions


  1. Top any amount of any of the games listed and enter a valid email address.
  2. Transaction must be completed within the promo period: November 27 – Dec 2.
  3. Users will receive the item code with the email receipt, after a successful purchase.
  4. Users can redeem the item code in-game or the official game’s website.
  5. Users can only receive 1 item code per game, 1 item code can be redeemed once per account (except MU Origin 2, no limit per user).
  6. Promo ends on Dec 02 or until stocks last, whichever comes first.

Top Up Now To Get A Free Item Code!