League of Legends: Wild Rift Ultimate Lane Guide


Enter the world of Wild Rift, a fast-paced game that’s become extremely popular in mobile gaming! But be careful. In this game, the key to winning is to fight against other players in the lanes, take essential objectives, and destroy the enemy team’s Nexus. With so much at stake, navigating the lanes requires a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, champions, and strategies. This article will teach you how to dominate the competition, including insider tips on champion selection, positioning, and winning strategies, whether you’re an experienced player or a beginner looking to make your mark in the rift!


In League of Legends: Wild Rift, there are six core character classes that players need to understand to succeed.


Fighters are generally categorized into two types, Duelists and Juggernauts.


Fighters specialize in one-on-one combat. They often have mobility (for both engaging and escaping) and some crowd control. Most of these champions have a high skill cap; the difference between a new and experienced player can be night and day. Jax, Fiora, Riven, Wukong, Vi, and Xin Zhao are examples.


Tanky bruisers thrive in team fights by absorbing and dealing damage but have little to no mobility. Like duelists, they also have crowd control in their kits. They also often have sustain skills (heals and shields). Examples are: Garen, Darius, Nasus, Renekton and Aatrox.


A tank is a character that can soak up large amounts of damage and use crowd control to keep the opposing team’s attention focused on them. Tanks have two subclasses: Vanguard and Warden. Vanguard Tanks take the initiative and employ aggressive skills, while Warden Tanks concentrate on defense and protecting their team.


The Mage is a character that deals damage with AP. Mages are strong against Fighters and Marksmen but struggle against Tanks and are vulnerable to Assassins. There are three types of Mages: Artillery, Battle, and Burst.



An Assassin is a character that deals massive damage to single targets and is fast-moving but has low defensive capabilities. Assassins can take down Marksmen and Mages but struggle against Tanks and Fighters.


Marksman is a character that attacks from long range to take down enemies. Marksmen are strong against Tanks and Fighters but are vulnerable to Mages and Assassins.


Support is initially a fragile class but gains immense strength when combined with other classes. Two subcategories of Support characters exist Catchers and Enchanters. Catchers utilize crowd control techniques to reinforce their team’s offensive potential, whereas Enchanters enhance and restore their team. Learn more about Support Lane here in our comprehensive guide.


In this section, we will explore the distinct lanes in League of Legends: Wild Rift and their associated roles. It is vital to understand these roles as they can be complex for beginners, but once mastered, they can improve your gameplay significantly. 

Baron Lane  

Baron Wild Rift

Baron Lane is a 1v1 lane close to where Baron Nashor and the Rift Herald spawn. Fighters, Tanks, or Assassins usually dominate it. It is crucial to have map awareness and to watch for gankers coming in from the Jungle. In Baron Lane, you can learn about trading and last-hitting minions. Winning this lane will put your team in a better position regarding split-pushing and joining team fights, making you a mid-game powerhouse. Learn more about Baron Lane here in our comprehensive guide.

The Mid Lane

Mid Wild Rift

The Mid Lane runs through the center of the map and is also a 1v1 lane. You’ll usually find Assassins and Mages fighting for this central ground. The Mid Lane is the shortest of the three lanes, and winning it will grant your Ultimate much faster than the other lanes. The Mid Laner must be adaptable, aid other players in different lanes, and the Jungler in their tasks. They should always be on the lookout to kill when they’ve got their Ultimate. Learn more about Mid Lane here in our comprehensive guide.

The Dragon Lane 

Dragon Wild Rift

The Dragon Lane is a 2v2 lane closest to where Drakes spawn. Typically, the team is composed of a Support and a Marksman. The Marksman must farm gold and items to increase their stats and avoid the fight’s heart. The Support character should protect the Marksman, control the lane, and keep the opposing team at bay. The Dragon Lane is the most complex of all the three lanes, and players must learn how to farm the dragons, protect the Jungler, and more to gain the advantage. It can be a real battle of attrition, so avoid being stretched too thin. Learn more about ADC Lane here in our comprehensive guide.

The Jungle      

Jungle Wild Rift                                                                                 

The Jungle is the space between the lanes and can be challenging for new players. Junglers must farm the Jungle monsters, drop buffs for other players, and gank other lanes. Securing drakes and scuttlers is critical as they can change the battle flow and boost your teams and buffs as they move between lanes. Players in the Jungle must juggle farming and ganking to be successful. The best classes to use in the Jungle are fighters, tanks, and assassins. Remember that you should only be playing as the Jungler if you’re confident with everything that’s going on in Wild Rift. Learn more about Jungle Lane here in our comprehensive guide.


The objective of this ultimate lane guide is to keep your opponents from getting the upper hand on the lanes! Always remember, The key to winning the games is knowing your specific role in a team. Try and explore the lanes and see where you dominate the most!

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