Genshin Impact 3.6 Update: New Areas, Characters, and Events


As the Traveller and Paimon are gearing up for the next chapter of their adventure, Genshin Impact version 3.6 introduces new areas and story quests to reveal new truths about Sumeru, the Cataclysm, Khaenri’ah, and an ancient race that predates even the beginning of Teyvat. The update, which went live last April 12, 2023, also presents new characters, domains and artifacts, and features that will keep you occupied in the next few weeks. Stay with us and learn everything about Genshin Impact 3.6 update: “A Parade of Providence”. 

New areas

Genshin Impact 3.6 New Area

Sumeru expansion: Gavireh Lajavard and Realm of Farakhert

The desert expansion called Girdle of the Sands is located Northwest of the Desert of Hadramaveth. In it, you can find the Gavireh Lajavard with its Chasm-like crater and the Realm of Farakhert highlighting the lush Vourukasha Oasis. We can also see a large patch of water which leads me to believe that we’re getting a pause in the desert expansions and will see more of Fontaine in future updates.

New fishing points and Radiant Spincrystals

Fishing spots in Genshin Impact are always a welcome sight because they offer a short moment of relaxation between long expeditions. The new area brings one new fishing spot, which you can find in a swamp beneath the Temir Mountains.

Get ready to give your Serenitea Pot a face-lift because we have five new tunes to freshen up your homeworld ambience. Radiant Spincrystals Number 94 to 98 are obtainable from version 3.6 onwards.

Amrita Pool system

The Amrita Pool is a new levelling system you’ll encounter in the Girdle of the Sands region. Find 36 Plumes of Purifying Light scattered across the region and offer them to the Amrita Pool to receive rewards and blessings. You’ll get hints on the remaining plumes’ locations when you’re down to the last six, but it still helps to mark every piece on your map to avoid running around in circles.

To unlock the pool and its rewards, Travellers should finish the “The Splendorous Sky That Day” and “Heart of Amrita” quests.

New domains and artifacts

Domain of Blessing: Molten Iron Fortress

Nilou, Ayato, and Childe mains rejoice! Conquer the new Domain of Blessing, Molten Iron Fortress, and try out the two new artifact sets for some beefy DPS (damage per screenshot) numbers. This new domain can be unlocked by reaching Adventure Rank 22 and completing the Archon Quest Prologue: Act III, “Song of the Dragon and Freedom”.

Nymph’s Dream

  • 2-piece set: Hydro DMG Bonus + 15%
  • 4-piece set: After Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts hit opponents, 1 stack of Mirrored Nymph will be triggered, lasting 8 seconds. When under the effect of 1, 2, 3, or more Mirrored Nymph stacks, ATK will be increased by 7%/16%25%, and Hydro DMG Bonus will be increased by 4%/9%/15%. Mirrored Nymph stacks created by Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks, Elemental Skills, and Elemental Bursts exist independently.

Vourukasha’s Glow

  • 2-piece set: HP + 20%
  • 4-piece set: Elemental Skill and Elemental Burst DMG will be increased by 10%. After the equipping character takes DMG, the aforementioned DMG bonus is increased by 80% for 5 seconds. This effect increase can have 5 stacks. The duration of each stack is counted independently. These effects can be triggered even when the equipping character is not on the field.

Domain: Somalata Inland Sea

The Somalata Inland Sea is located south of Vourukasha Oasis and gives one-time rewards that include Primogems, a Desert Pavilion Chronicle artifact, and many more. The domain is locked behind a simple puzzle, which can be solved by activating four Dendro totems in the correct order. Keep an eye out for clues!

Genshin Impact Purification Spring

Domain: Purification Spring

Unlike the previous domain, the Purification Spring domain is readily accessible. However, it houses two new Consecrated Beasts, so you might want to slow down and study their movement patterns first. Bringing Dendro and Hydro characters will also help you, as these savage beasts are vulnerable to these elements.

New characters

Genshin Impact 3.6 New CharactersImage by HoYoverse


Years after his first appearance in the early Liyue Arc, Baizhu is finally joining the roster of playable characters as a 5-star Dendro catalyst user. The Traveller knows Baizhu as the owner of Bubu Pharmacy and a magnate in the medical field, but much about him is still shrouded in mystery. We’ll finally get to know him and his talking snake pet, Changsheng, in the second phase of the 3.6 update!

Baizhu is advertised as a Dendro support unit, and the most notable part of his kit is his Dendro shield that scales with his HP.


We know Kaveh as Alhaitham‘s housemate and the brilliant architect behind the Palace of Alcazarzaray, but we just learned that he also possesses exceptional fighting prowess. For a claymore user, Kaveh has a laid-back fighting style. It’s almost like he wields a catalyst, thanks to his high-tech briefcase, Mehrak, which allows him to swing his claymore with a wave of a hand. He’ll be released as a 4-star Dendro unit under a Baizhu-Ganyu double banner in the second phase.

Character reruns

Genshin Impact version 3.6 starts with reruns of the Dendro Archon, Nahida, and her faithful follower, Nilou. If you missed them the first time because you were recovering from your Cyno pulls, now is your chance to get them. They’re joined by 4-stars Kuki Shinobu, Dori, and Layla in the first phase. 

The half-Adeptus, Ganyu, also returns with her rerun banner in the second phase. 

New weapons

Jadefall’s Splendor

This is Baizhu’s signature catalyst, and it will be on the weapon banner starting May 2, 2023. At max level, it has 608 Base ATK, 49.6% HP, and a weapon passive that perfectly fits Baizhu’s kit. It’s a strong weapon, but its tailor-made passives make it an unviable option for other catalyst units. Think twice! 

New quests

We can also dive deeper into the land’s lore with several new story quests, hangout events, and world quests in version 3.6:

Story quests

Nahida’s Story Quest – Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act II “Homecoming”

Unlock criteria:

  • Adventurer Rank 40 or higher
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V “Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises”
  • Nahida’s Story Quest – Sapientia Oromasdis Chapter: Act I “Lingering Within”

Baizhu’s Story Quest – Lagenaria Chapter: Act I “The Heart of Healing” (Playable after May 2, 2023)

Unlock criteria:

  • Adventurer Rank 40 or higher
  • Archon Quest Chapter I: Act III, “A New Star Approaches”
  • Hu Tao’s Story Quest – Papilio Charontis Chapter: Act I “Yet the Butterfly Flutters Away”
  • Xiao’s Story Quest – Alatus Chapter: Act I “Butterfly’s Dream”

Hangout event

Layla – Act I “Ever Silent Stars”

Unlock criteria:

  • Adventurer Rank 40 or higher
  • Archon Quest Chapter III: Act V “Akasha Pulses, the Kalpa Flame Rises”

World quests

  • Khvarena of Good and Evil
  • An Artist Adrift
  • Pale Fire
  • Monumental Study
  • Lightcall Resonance

New events

Genshin Impact 3.6 Brewing Event

A Parade of Providence

  • After an overhaul of the Sumeru Akademiya, the governing body is hosting the first-ever Akademiya Extravaganza to boost the region’s culture and bring tourists back in. The festival is filled with amusements and competitions for all Travellers to enjoy and earn rewards from.

Fulminating Sandstorm

  • The Akademiya employs the Traveller and machines to address the threats hiding in the sands of the Sumeru Desert. Help the Akademiya and win rewards by completing missions.

Brewing Developments

  • In this event, Paimon and the Traveller decide to help a certain student with his research. Use blends and brews to gain battle buffs and eliminate hordes of monsters.

The Recollector’s Path

  • Use Sorush’s abilities to fly through monster camps and eliminate monsters. Rewards include Primogems, Mora, and Talent/Weapon Materials.

New enemies

Genshin Impact locations always have distinct flora and fauna, which gives birth to new species of monsters and bosses. In version 3.6, we’re getting two new bosses and four new monsters.

New bosses

Apep: Warden of Oasis (Weekly Boss)

Apep is one of the seven dragons that ruled the world before it became the Teyvat we know today. Finish all the Sumeru Archon Quests and Nahida Story Quests to unlock the Apep boss fight and get the “Like the Sun’s Passage” Achievement.

Genshin Impact Iniquitous Baptist

Iniquitous Baptist (World Boss)

As a disciple of the Abyss Order, the Iniquitous Baptist will do everything in its power to stop you from sabotaging their sinister plans. This new World Boss wields the Cryo, Pyro, Electro, and Hydro elements, which can be a headache if you don’t act fast. Consider bringing a Dendro-focused team to counter everything in its arsenal. You can also bring a mono-Geo team and beat it with brute strength.

New monsters

  • Hydro Hilichurl Rogue
  • Anemo Hilichurl Rogue
  • Consecrated Horned Crocodile
  • Consecrated Fanged Beast

Genius Invokation TCG updates

Avid Genius Invokation TCG players will get a treat this Version 3.6 as we’re getting new cards, features, and quality-of-life changes to the game mode!

Genshin Impact Ayato TCG Card

New character cards and talent cards

  • Kamisato Ayato
  • Arataki Itto
  • Tighnari

New support card and equipment card

  • Narukami Shrine
  • Favonius Sword

New duel “replay” function

You can now share nail-biting TCG match highlights with your friends through Prince’s new TCG replay feature.

Other additions

New recipes:

  • Bubu Pharmacy’s Herbalist Gui: Jade Fruit Soup
  • Sumeru NPC Lambad: Fatteh
  • Baizhu’s Specialty: Heat-quelling Soup
  • Kaveh’s Specialty: The Endeavor

New name cards:

  • Baizhu: Relief (reach Friendship Level 10 with Baizhu)
  • Kaveh: Domed Court (reach Friendship Level 10 with Kaveh)
  • Achievement: Infinitum (complete all achievements under “Blessed Hamada”)
  • Achievement: Transient Twilight (complete all achievements under “Challenger: Series VII”)
  • Sumeru: The Great Dream (reach Favor Level 48 with the Tree of Dreams)
  • Sumeru: Amrita (make 6 offerings to the Amrita Pool)
  • Travel Notes: Crown of Glory (Battle Pass reward)

New chat emojis

  • If Genshin chibi artworks give you life force, you better update your game client ASAP because Paimon’s Paintings Set 22 is now available.

New animal: Tent Tortoise

  • The Tent Tortoise is officially the tankiest creature in the game, even tankier than the Shadowy Husks and the Black Serpent Knights we encountered several Spiral Abyss cycles ago! This cute and harmless tortoise is unbreakable.

Genshin Impact Tent Tortoise


With new areas to explore and characters to build, Travellers will have much to do while waiting for the next region to lay out. The new quests also drop some shocking facts that help strengthen and expand the lore and give birth to new theories that will keep you up at night. Genius Invokation TCG’s new gameplay updates are a good sign that says the game mode is well-received, and we can rest assured that it’s here to stay. 

Gear up and face the new challenges version 3.6 brings by topping up your Genesis Crystals for Genshin Impact only at Codashop. We offer safe, secure, and hassle-free top-up methods so you can focus on upping your game. 




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