8 Genshin Impact Spots That Would Make Great Summer Getaways


Genshin Impact Summer Spots IntroSummer’s here, and once again, we spend our work breaks daydreaming about the perfect vacation. While some proceed to plan and make these trips happen, there are those who prefer the indoors (hello, Genshin Impact players) because, duh, I’m not going to miss my Daily Commissions

But as a fellow Traveller who refuses to touch some grass, I know we still need a change of scenery because exploring the vast Sumeru desert in this climate feels all too real! It’s like the Dolby Atmos experience but for hellish temperatures, not realistic sound effects. To take our minds off this stress, let’s visit 8 Genshin Impact locations that would make for kewl summer getaways!


Genshin Impact Windrise

With lush greenery, a massive oak tree’s shade, and the Anemo Archon’s blessings, Windrise in Mondstadt probably has the coolest and freshest breeze in all of Teyvat, and it’s the best spot for picnics. It’s also within a short distance from Mondstadt City, and you can visit the Cat’s Tail Bar next for some Genius Invokation TCG if you’re into card games.


Genshin Impact Dragonspine

A Teyvat summer destination list wouldn’t be complete without the snow-capped mountains of Dragonspine. Its frozen lakes and calming music set the perfect ambience for camping, and if you’re lucky enough, you might even get some free art tips from Albedo at his campsite. Remember to pack some Goulashes and warming bottles to fight the cold, Traveller!


Genshin Impact Chasm

For those who decide to embrace the Adventurer’s Guild lifestyle, spelunking in the Chasm is the summer activity for you. The Chasm’s deep and mysterious underground mines can be dangerous without the help of a Lumenstone Adjuvant, but beneath it all are some of this world’s most breathtaking sights. I just wish we could take these Floating Hydro Fungi as pets! 

Inazuma City

Genshin Impact Inazuma Stroll

Take a stroll in Inazuma City and indulge in these Ei-approved sweets (she highly recommends the Dango Milk)!

The Chochin lanterns and falling Sakura leaves in this street make for a delicious feast for the eyes, too. And if you want to do some shopping, you can visit the Ogura Textiles and Kimonos and the Yae Publishing House afterwards.

Once your feet tire, you can relax at the Komore Teahouse and take a dip at the nearby onsen to give your Inazuma night stroll a beautiful ending.

Port Ormos

Genshin Impact Mona Port Ormos

If immersing yourself in new cultures is your idea of a fun vacation, visiting Port Ormos should be on your bucket list. Port Ormos is Sumeru’s travel and trading hub, and the amount of high-quality items you buy there is unbelievable. However, I would suggest saving some Mora because no one wants to end like this astrologist from Mondstadt.

Nazuchi Beach

Genshin Impact Nazuchi Beach

Beach trips are a classic summer activity, and this list wouldn’t be complete without one.

The Nazuchi Beach in Yashiori Island, Inazuma, is one of the finest in the region with its white sand and shallow waters. Its coastline is garnished with glowing algae and a shipwreck, allowing for awesome night Kamera shots. Keep your eyes peeled for Mysterious Conches, as you can exchange them for an awesome souvenir.


Genshin Impact Enkanomiya

Enkanomiya’s Emanant Skylight pool is one of the most enchanting sights I’ve seen in Teyvat, and it’s the first idea that came to my mind when thinking of ways to beat the heat. Here, you can play with the Ghostfish bubble and explore the nearby ruins.

Apam Woods

Genshin Impact Apam Woods

Exploring the Apam Woods in Ashavan Realm, Sumeru, is a great way to reconnect with nature. Its towering trees and scenic waterfalls make it a perfect destination for trekking, and if you go deeper into the forest, you can even find a few treasures in its underground tunnels. Remember to bring the treasure-magnet, Paimon!

Teyvat is a vast and expanding world, and I know you all have your own special spots in it. Why can’t we just get isekai-ed, right? Don’t worry, though, because whether you’re seeking a break from the heat or just yearning for a change of scenery, Genshin Impact has got you covered with its array of captivating locations and cool summer getaways. Let us know what’s your go-to spot in the comments!

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