Genshin Impact Co-op Guide: How to Play With Your Friends!


Genshin Impact Co Op Guide

Do you think you’re better off traveling alone in Teyvat? Some will give the nod to that, while others will say that the more, the merrier. In this post, we’ll teach you how you can unlock Co-op Mode in Genshin Impact and the whole process that goes along with it, including the requirement and restrictions when playing with friends.

What is Co-op Mode in Genshin Impact?

Co-op Mode is a feature in Genshin Impact that allows up to four Travelers to adventure all at once and take on monsters and Domains, search for treasure and embark on exciting adventures. What’s best about Co-op is that it allows cross-play between different platforms including PC, Mobile (iOS and Android), and Console (PS4). This is possible as long as players are on the same regional server (America, Asia, or Europe).

How can I unlock Co-op Mode?

Genshin Menu In Game

Before players can access multiplayer mode, they need to grind out a sizable chunk of the story and progress on their own. Just continue playing the game until you are introduced to the Adventure Rank (AR) system, which will tell your current overall level in the game. From there, you need to level up to Adventure Rank 16 to unlock Co-op Mode.

It might take you several hours to reach that level. However, take note that everything you do in the game adds up to your ranking progress.

Tips to rank up fast!


As we said, everything you do in the game contributes to your Adventure Rank. You also likely have access to more features like expeditions, dungeons, and daily quests which you can accomplish to level up. Some tips to help you rank fast include:

*Complete story missions and do side quests. This one’s plain and simple. Completing story missions will massively increase your rank status. They may be time-consuming but once you finish them, that’s a sure-fire way to level up your progress. Side quests are easier to accomplish and with numerous options available, help you to level up as well.

*Check your mail and redeem rewards. Don’t take your mail for granted as most of the time, they bring you good news. Genshin Impact has a mail and achievement system where you can redeem gifts and rewards to help you on your adventure. Once you complete certain quests, you’ll receive achievement rewards to claim early XP essential to rank up.

*Adventurer’s Handbook. Once you reach AR 10, you will finally get your Adventurer’s handbook. This greatly helps you in levelling up as you will be offered numerous tasks that will enable you to gather XP upon completion. Continue to grind and you will get access to daily commissions – short missions that reward you with cool items like Primogems, Mora, and others, plus additional Adventure Rank XP.

*Visit the Statues of Seven and make your offerings. The Statues of Seven are major key landmarks scattered throughout Teyvat.  You will need to collect floating objects called  Anemoculus (blue) and Geoculus (orange) and offer them to the statues to receive Adventure Rank XP. Furthermore, they also increase your stamina bar which is very important as you progress.

How does Co-op Mode work?

Co Op Mode

Once you’ve reached AR 16, you can now access Co-op Mode available in the main menu. You and three friends can finally get together and play. You can invite others into your world (as the host) or join others in their game by entering their Online ID. You can explore the map and Domains, take on bosses, and basically do activities together.

Are there any restrictions in co-op mode?

Yes. If you’re playing co-op and you enter another player’s world, you will not be able to do several things like:

Activating Teleport points
Completing puzzles
Opening chests
Collecting Amenoculus or Geoculus
Making offerings to the Statues of Seven
All story quests are paused

This scheme may seem limiting as only the host player can still all this stuff. However, take note that you’ll be able to receive loot and XP from enemies and bosses that you defeat. Playing co-op makes the adventure more thrilling as you can deal more damage with your friends and experience awesome skill combos too!

And don’t forget, you can now top up Genesis Crystals for Genshin Impact on Codashop.  It’s faster and easier, with plenty of convenient payment methods to choose from.



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