Brave a new world with Legends of Runeterra’s new region – Targon


Proving that it’s going strong since its release last April, Riot’s immersive collectable card game, Legends of Runeterra, recently unveiled its first expansion with Call of the Mountain. This new bi-monthly card release series is the beginning of a three-expansion, set in the new and larger region of Targon.

In case you’re wondering, the next two expansions are slated to come out later this year (October and December). They are relatively smaller than CotM, each one featuring 40 new cards with 3 champions. By the time the whole set is launched, all regions will have its fair share of champions and almost equal share of other cards.

Expansions & Sets

New region, cards, champions and keywords to explore

Expect to get a mythical feel with the new region. As you climb Mount Targon, you’ll stand a chance to raise the ability of your units to a whole new level. Targon ushers in a stimulating cosmic realm for LoR. Power up and face your enemies, meet cosmic beings and other celestials that will all help to fulfil your quest for victory.

Players can get their hands on 89 new cards (51 for Targon and 38 for the current regions). There are also 7 distinct champions (4 for Targon including Leona, Diana, Aurelion Sol and Taric plus Nocturne for Shadow Isles, Trundle for Freljord and Lulu for Iona). 

Deck holders will also encounter 6 new keywords. Spellshield: negates the next enemy spell or skill that would influence a unit with the keyword. Fury: is when a unit kills another unit with a strike and survives, it grants +1 Power | +1 Health. Daybreak: Play this as your first card in the round and you’ll gain a bonus (dependent on card text). Nightfall: You get a bonus if this is not the first card you play in the round (bonus dependent on card text). Behold: Lets you gain a bonus if you have a type of card in play or hand. And finally, Invoke: allows you to pick a Celestial Card from among 3 to create in hand.

A quick rundown of the Region Road Updates are as follows:
*Targon Region Road added with 20 levels.
*Freljord, Ionia, and Shadow Isles Region Roads extended from 25 to 29 levels.
*In Patch 1.8 Levels 1-25 on all current roads can now drop Call of the Mountain cards.
*Bilgewater’s Region Road gains advantage from the XP Boost Level system – earn extra XP towards completing early Region Road levels. 

New Lab, bundles and more features to behold

Legends of Runeterra’s fourth, preconstructed Lab called Discover Targon, allows players to test out new content with 6 premade decks packed with new cards and strategies from Targon. You can pick from the following decks: Lurking Darkness, Crystalline Strength, Friends Forever, Star Ramp, Align the Stars and Blaze of Glory.

Targon’s new cosmetic items are also available including emotes for Diana, Taric, Nocturne and Lulu. The Targon-themed board is called Celestial Summit and it’s pretty easy on the eyes with its light purple color scheme. Players can also buy 2 card backs from the store, Sunrise and Moonfall. Finally, if you want a perfectly cute guardian to join you in battle, there’s Cosmo the Celestial Summit pup.

If you want to save up on Coins, get these amazing bundles. The Stars Above bundle comes with a Celestial Summit Board, Cosmo Guardian and an exclusive Targon icon for 1422 coins. The Targon Emotes set is available for 570 Coins and gives you all four new Targon emotes at 25% discount. Finally, a ready-to-play deck called Celestial Radiance is available for purchase for 2016 Coins.

Stars Above bundle

Legends of Runeterra

The new Ranked season also starts and aptly called the Call of the Mountain Ranked season. It comes with a unique icon for you to earn based on which tier you reach. All these plus exciting new challenges and upgraded quests await! The best of luck on the new season and your voyage to conquer Mount Targon!

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