Genshin Impact: 5 reasons why you should get Shenhe


Unlike the earlier support units that work in almost every scenario, Shenhe has a specialized kit that limits her to a handful of team comps. Naturally, many players would want to skip her banner, especially new players who prefer a more flexible team. Don’t let that discourage you because Shenhe still brings a lot to the table. If you’re still on the fence, here are five reasons you should pull Shenhe.

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She gives the biggest damage boost for Cryo

Shenhe’s entire kit is littered with team buffs, and what’s even more awesome is that you can stack them on top of each other. Her 4th Ascension Passive lets you choose between a 15% Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack damage and a 15% Elemental Skill and Burst damage, which means you can use her with any Cryo DPS. She even provides a Cryo resistance shred that can bring those numbers higher.

She’s easy to build

All of Shenhe’s buffs scale off of her ATK. This lets you narrow your focus into two stats: Energy Recharge for a high Burst uptime and ATK for beefy Cryo damage numbers. Pack at least 180% Energy Recharge with Favonius Lance or an ER Sands, and then build your ATK stat with appropriate Goblets, Circlets, and substats. Shenhe also makes good use of the Noblesse Oblige set, which increases all team members’ ATK by 20%.

She has low cooldowns

Shenhe’s cooldowns go so well with most Cryo teams’ rotations. On Ayaka Freeze Teams, you can buff Ayaka’s Elemental Burst on every rotation, as it has the same 20-second cooldown as Shenhe’s Elemental Burst. The 10-second cooldown on Shenhe’s Elemental Skill also allows for more Cryo buff applications and elemental particle generation.

She’s an excellent off-field Cryo applicator

With her Burst’s 12-second duration, Shenhe can keep enemies frozen for longer. This is useful, especially in timed challenges like the Spiral Abyss, because you can extend your team’s DPS window without worrying about taking damage. 

She has a cool backstory

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Many Travellers play Genshin Impact for the lore, and if you’re like me, who treats character stories as the deciding factor in pulling characters, you’ll love Shenhe’s backstory. Now, without spoiling anything, Shenhe is a human who developed superhuman strength after years of Adepti training by Cloud Retainer. As to how she ended up being adopted by her, that’s for you to find out! Shenhe doesn’t have a dedicated story quest yet, but you can learn more about her past in the Archon Quest Interlude Chapter 1: The Crane Returns on the Wind.

Shenhe’s rerun banner is available until April 11, 2023. This cycle features a double-rerun with Ayaka on the other side. The 4-stars featured in both banners will be Diona, Sucrose, and the new Cryo-polearm character Mika. This is a great time to pull if you’re looking for a reliable Cryo team, as the Ayaka-Shenhe duo is one of the most overpowered team comps in the game today.

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We wish you luck on your character wishes, Traveller! Don’t forget to top up your Genesis Crystals for Genshin Impact only at Codashop to enjoy safe, quick, and easy transactions.