Meta Game Changer: MLBB New Equipment Guide From Project NEXT 2024


MLBB New Equipment 2024The arrival of Project NEXT 2024 in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang (MLBB) shakes up the battlefield again! This update introduces a revolutionary equipment revamp, promising to change how you strategize and build your heroes fundamentally.  Get ready to explore a whole new world of itemization possibilities as we explore three new pieces of equipment you need to master on the battlefield.  We’ll equip you with the knowledge to optimize your builds, unlock your heroes’ full potential, and dominate the competition in this ever-evolving meta.

MLBB 2024 Next Equipment

Burst Hero Domination – Sky Piercer

Brace yourselves, burst damage enthusiasts! Project NEXT 2024 brings forth the Sky Piercer, a fearsome new equipment poised to elevate burst heroes to unprecedented heights. Here are its stats: 

  • +60 Adaptive Damage
  • +15 Movement Speed

Unique Passive:

  • Lethality: After dealing damage to an enemy hero, executes the hero if their HP is lower than 4%. Gains 10 stack(s) of Lethality for each kill and loses 30% current stack(s) for each death. Each Lethality stack increases the execute effect’s HP threshold by 0.1%, stacking up 80 times.

Category: Attack

Cost: 1500 gold

Build Path: Sky Piercer Build Path MLBB

Gameplay Tips:

Here’s where things get truly exciting for burst heroes. Sky Piercer rewards aggressive play with its Lifebane stacks.  Each kill you secure grants 10 stacks, permanently increasing the execute threshold by 0.1%.  This means the more takedowns you rack up, the lower the HP limit for your instant executions, snowballing your lead and striking fear into the hearts of your enemies.  At full stacks, Sky Piercer’s HP threshold can go up to 12%, making it a genuinely lethal piece of equipment.

However, beware – deaths come at a cost. You’ll lose 30% of your Lifebane stacks upon dying, highlighting the importance of staying alive to maintain your edge. Also, Lethality triggers once when you hit multiple enemies, so choose your targets wisely.

Best Heroes:

Assassins: Burst-oriented assassins like Gusion, Selena, Hayabusa, and Saber become absolute terrors with Sky Piercer. Their high-damage combos can easily trigger the execute effect, snowballing their lead and securing early game dominance.

Marksmen: While less common, marksmen with strong burst potential, like Lesley and Beatrix, can also benefit from Sky Piercer. Their high single-target damage allows them to capitalize on the execute window, particularly against squishy heroes. Roger’s wolf form is also perfect for activating Lethality’s effects since he can detect low HP targets.

Mages: Burst mages like Harley and Vale can succeed with Sky Piercer. Their area-of-effect damage can potentially weaken multiple enemies, setting them up for execution by Lethality.

Marksman Madness – Malefic Gun

Your favourite Marskmen heroes are in for a treat with a new and improved Malefic Gun. While this isn’t new equipment, its new stats and effects will surely rock the meta. Check its updated stats:

  • +45 Physical Attack
  • +25% Attack Speed
  • +15% Lifesteal

Unique Passive:

  • Malefic Energy: Landing a skill increases Basic Attack range by 10% for 3 seconds (6 seconds cooldown).
  • Zeal: Basic Attacks grant 15% Movement Speed for 1 second

Category: Attack

Cost: 1940 gold

Build Path:Malefic Gun Build Path MLBB

Gameplay Tips:

The revamped Malefic Gun takes a multi-pronged approach to bolstering the marksman playstyle, offering a potent mix of offensive stats and strategic utility.  The Physical Attack and Attack Speed bonuses make it a perfect match for ASPD heroes who specialises in dishing out as much damage in a few seconds.

Malefic Energy temporarily boosts your basic attack range upon landing a skill.  This lets you harass enemies from a safer distance, poking them down before they can even reach you. Additionally, Zeal adds a burst of movement speed after every basic attack, allowing you to kite enemies effectively, dodge incoming abilities, and reposition yourself strategically during teamfights.

Best Heroes:

Marksmen with Strong Mobility: Heroes like Irithel, Wanwan, and Kimmy benefit greatly from Malefic Gun’s movement speed boost. They can utilize Zeal to weave in and out of combat, maximizing their damage output while minimizing the risk of getting caught.

Marksmen with Long-Ranged Poke: Marksmen like Hanabi and Layla, who excel at dealing damage from afar, can leverage Malefic Gun’s Malefic Energy to extend their attack range further. This allows them to harass enemies from a safe distance and pressure them without putting themselves at risk.

Massive Magic Barrage – Wishing Lantern

Project NEXT 2024 isn’t just about buffing physical damage dealers. The mages are also in for a treat with the introduction of Wishing Lantern, a brand new equipment designed to supercharge their magic damage output and skill capabilities.  Get ready to unleash a torrent of magical devastation upon your foes! Here are Wishing Lantern’s stats:

  • +70 Magic Power
  • +10% Cooldown Reduction

Unique Passive:

  • Butterfly Goddess: For every 800 Magic Damage dealt to an enemy hero (calculated before damage reduction), a Butterfly Goddess is summoned to attack the enemy hero, dealing Magic Damage equal to 10% of their Current HP.

Category: Attack

Cost: 2160 gold

Build Path:Wishing Lantern Build Path MLBB

Gameplay Tips:

Wishing Lantern empowers mages by offering a potent combination of raw magic power and a unique passive that scales with damage dealt. This translates to harder-hitting spells and more devastating area-of-effect damage, allowing you to melt enemy defences, especially tanks and bruisers with massive HP.

The true terror lies in the damage dealt by the spectral butterflies summoned in its unique passive – a whopping 10% of the enemy’s current HP!  Imagine landing a powerful ultimate that not only deals significant damage but also triggers a wave of Butterfly Goddess attacks, each chunking away a significant portion of the enemy’s health bar.  This passive excels in teamfights, where you can potentially unleash a flurry of spectral butterflies against multiple enemies, instantly turning the tide of battle.

Wishing Lantern caters to mages who thrive on dealing high magic damage and controlling teamfights.  It’s a game-changer for heroes who can consistently hit enemy heroes with damaging abilities, potentially overwhelming them with a magical onslaught.

Best Heroes:

DoT Specialists:  Mages like Chang’e, Lylia, and Alice, who excel at applying damage over time effects, will see immense benefits from Wishing Lantern due to its additive damage requirement. Their continuous damage application triggers the Butterfly Goddess effect repeatedly, rapidly chipping away at enemy health bars.

Burst Mages:  While not the most traditional fit, burst mages like Selena, Eudora, or Novaria can still be successful with Wishing Lantern.  Their high-damage combos can potentially trigger the Butterfly Goddess effect on low-health enemies, securing crucial kills or forcing them to retreat.

A New Dawn for Mobile Legends

Project NEXT 2024 ushers in a new era for Mobile Legends, shaking up the meta and offering exciting possibilities for strategic experimentation. Whether you crave the thrill of burst assassinations, the relentless assault of sustained damage, or the devastating power of magical barrages, these new pieces of equipment will help you dominate the battlefield in new and destructive ways.

Dive into the battlefield, experiment with the new builds, and discover the perfect combination to propel you to victory. Also, recharge your MLBB diamonds only through Codashop and experience safe, convenient, and secure top-ups to fuel your in-game dominance!