Ten Beginner-Friendly Champions on LOL Wild Rift


Lol wild rift champions

Wild Rift is a League of Legends-based mobile game wherein it has been continuously expanding its roster of Champions. Choosing among these Champions may be overwhelming to start with, but having a beginner-friendly pick would help you enjoy your learning stage of playing Wild Rift. It also enables you to understand the macro and micro decision-making and learn the character’s mechanics.

Garen (Fighter/Tank)

Wild Rift Garen

Among LOL Wild Rift Champions, Garen is known to have the most straightforward mechanics within lanes. Using Garen lets you not worry about going toe-to-toe with other champions, making it easier for you not to worry about resources. His Perseverance (passive skill) gives him decent health generation; it allows him to break from the clashes while not having to go back to the base. This Passive works well with Decisive Strike (S1) and Judgment (S3) while simultaneously giving him a speed boost and decent attacks.

What makes Garen friendly for beginners:

  • Straightforward mechanics within lanes
  • Sustainable toe-to-toe with other champions
  • Decent health Generation

Seraphine (Mage/Support)

Wild Rift Seraphine

Seraphine is one of the newcomers that offers an easy-to-use kit as a Support songstress. Her passive Stage Presence enables her to cast a third spell twice while granting Notes to allies. The more Note her allies have, the stronger her basic skill is. Her S1 deals significant damage to enemies who have lesser health. Seraphine’s mage abilities let her stun/root or slow her enemies. 

What makes Seraphine friendly for beginners:

  • Can deal great damage
  • Great crowd control
  • Has protection and healing capacity for her allies

Janna (Support/Mage)

Wild Rift Janna

Janna is like a wind where speed is everything. Her Wild Rift theme kit lets her boost her speed along with her allies while decreasing her enemies’. Janna’s Zephyr allows her to summon an air elemental that damages and slows down enemies. She can also create a storm that could knock down enemies using her Howling Gale (S1). At the same time, her Eye of the Storm (S3) gives her allies a temporary shield. Janna’s crowd control skills summons whenever Monsoon (Ult) is activated. It unleashes a storm that surrounds Janna, which pushes enemies away.

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • High mobility
  • Great crowd control
  • Has protection and healing capacity for her allies

Miss Fortune (Marksman)

Wild Rift Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune is everyone’s favorite bounty hero with her signature straightforward kit in League. Her passive skill gives her bonus damage, making a cycle between enemies. At the same time, her Strut (S2) boosts her speed whenever she is not attacked. Along with her passive skill, this reduces her cooldown. She is a heavy hitter, her Double Up (S1) can damage enemies in front and critically damages those behind. Miss Fortune’s Make It Rain (S3) deals with AOE and slows down enemies. Her Ult unleashes AOE, which deals a lot of damage.

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Deals great damage
  • Great crowd control
  • Straightforward heavy hitter

Dr. Mundo (Fighter/Tank)

Wild Rift Dr Mundo

Dr. Mundo’s more complex combat option may not be beginner-friendly, but it is a non-overwhelming champion for beginners. His skills work better whether he has lower or more battle health. His Infected Bonesaw (S1) slows down enemies using his health, not mana. This can be used when jungling. His Heart Zapper (S2) charges a defibrillator enabling him to deal magic damage. His durability is enhanced by his Blunt Force Trauma (S3) which has both passive and active effects. Again, just like his Heart Zapper (S2), Dr. Mundo’s Maximum Dosage (Ult) allows him to sacrifice his health in exchange for massive health regeneration and faster mobility. 

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • High mobility
  • Deals significant physical damage
  • Great health regeneration

Olaf (Fighter)

Wild Rift Olaf

Olaf is the Wild Rift fighter that seeks death, rushing to headstrong war. His magnificent combat combination from attack speed to lifesteal capabilities makes him versatile for Jungle or Baron Lanes, an excellent start for beginners. His passive skill makes him faster when he is close to death. Olaf’s Vicious Strikes (S2) enhances his attack speed. His solid attacks and great damage deal manifests in his Reckless Swing (S3), wherein a strong dash of attack damages him if his enemy fails to die. Although his straightforward Undertow (S1) is not highlighted as one of his best skills, a slow ability comes in handy. Olaf’s Ragnarok (Ult) bonds his strong attack fighting skills altogether. Ragnarok strengthens his attacks and grants CC immunity, which is convenient for his faster mobility, enabling him to engage in heavy team fights. 

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Intense combat and attack skills
  • Deals great damage 
  • Great lifesteal

Blitzcrank (Tank/Support)

Wild Rift Blitzcrank

Blitzcrank seems like everyone’s jolly friend; however, he is the behemoth in the form of a tank and support to champions. His high armor, knock-up capabilities, and stunning potential make Blitzcrank the perfect champion in Baron Lane. Blitzcrank Mana Barrier (Passive) enables him to have an extra defense when low in health. His Overdrive (S2) is what mostly makes him beginner-friendly, as it gives him attack speed paving the way for more devastating combos without making it overwhelming. Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab (S1) brings enemies close, making crowd control more manageable, and when used along with Power Fist (S3), critical knock-up is possible. His Static Field (ult) enables the marking of enemies for devastating damage and comes perfect with his S1 and S3 combo for a team fight. 

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Durability capabilities
  • Deals great damage 
  • Great crowd control

Sona (Support/Mage)

Wild Rift Sona

Sona’s wonderful songs make a tremendous magical spell that grants magical bonuses to nearby allies. Her Power Chord (Passive) enhances her magic damage, and her third skill, Song of Celerity (S3), gives Sona and her nearby allies a speed boost. Her Hymn of Valor damages enemies while simultaneously giving her allies a temporary damage boost. Sona’s Crescendo (ult) makes her an easy-to-play champion for beginners as she deals massive damage to enemies while stunning them singlehandedly. Her dynamic, healthy support abilities also make her suitable for beginners. Sona’s Aria of Perseverance (S2) heals her allies and creates a protective shield, making her a great support champion.

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Great healing and protective abilities
  • Deals support skills 
  • Deals great damage

Master Yi (Assassin)

Wild Rift Master Yi

Not all beginner-friendly champions have to be easy and non-overwhelming; sometimes, a little challenge can help you to become a better player. Master Yi’s complex kit would help you train more for Assasin champions. Although his kit is a bit complicated, it is still easy enough for beginners to master without losing a sweat. His Double Strike (Passive) lets him strike twice with a single attack. His Wuju Style (S3) often highly depends on the item you will use. It gives bonus true damage, yet the damage can be devastating when combined with Double Strike. Master Yi’s Alpha Strike (S1) is almost similar to Double Strike, but this time it lets him attack multiple enemies within a target path. Meanwhile, despite his attack advantages, he still gets to heal himself and reduce damage received using his Meditate (S2). His Highlander (Ult) boosts his attack speed and move while making him immune to slow.

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Great attack abilities
  • High mobility 
  • Deals great damage

Lux (Mage)

Wild Rift Lux

Lux makes the mage-support kit for beginners much easier compared to other champions. From her name Lux, she is a light-theme-based champion; hence, Illumination (Passive) lets her charge enemies with her attacks, igniting her next attack with a damage boost. Her Prismatic Barrier (S2) gives her a shield to protect herself from enemies’ attacks. Aside from magic and support abilities, she is also great with crowd control. Lux’s (S1) allows her to throw a sphere that binds two enemies simultaneously. At the same time, her Lucent Singularity (S3) slows down enemies within her range and paves the way for her to charge damage. Lux’s Final Spark (Ult) paves the way for her Passive through a harsh light beam, creating and charging more damage for her upcoming attacks. 

What makes the champion friendly for beginners:

  • Great attack abilities
  • Great crowd control
  • Attack charge abilities

Image credits: Riot Games / Wild Rift

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