As Swift As The Wind: Genshin Impact Wanderer Guide


Genshin Impact Wanderer Guide
More than two years after his first appearance in Version 1.1, the Wanderer, formerly known as Scaramouche, finally joined the playable character roster in December 2022, making him one of the most anticipated characters in Genshin Impact. And the long wait is for a good reason because his kit didn’t disappoint. If you’re looking for a strong DPS or more reasons to pull this edgy Anemo boi in his rerun banner, you’ve come to the right place because we’ll talk about his abilities, playstyle, builds, and team comps.

Genshin Wanderer

Abilities and Playstyle

Wanderer is a 5-star catalyst-wielding Anemo DPS. Although his kit sounds complex, the Main DPS is straightforward to build, focusing only on his raw Anemo DMG. His Elemental Skill also makes exploration a lot more fun as it enables him to hover above ground for a short time. 

  • Yuuban Meigen (Normal Attack) – Wanderer releases up to 3 Wind Blades, dealing Anemo DMG. Hold the attack button to perform a Charged Attack and deal AoE Anemo DMG after a short casting time.
  • Hanega: Song of the Wind (Elemental Skill) – Wanderer leaps into the air and enters the Windfavored State.

The Windfavored State increases his Normal and Charged Attack DMG and AoE, and his Charged Attacks won’t consume stamina. The Wanderer will hover persistently during this time, consuming Kuugoryoku Points when he moves. Sprinting, dashing, and jumping mid-air consume more points. The Elemental Skill ends when he runs out of Kuugoryoku Points.

  • Kyougen: Five Ceremonial Plays (Elemental Burst) – Wanderer deals multiple instances of AoE Anemo DMG. Ends the Windfavored State.
  • Jade-Claimed Flower (1st Ascension Passive) – If Wanderer’s Elemental Skill comes into contact with Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, and Electro elements, he gains up to 2 of the following buffs:

Hydro: Kuugoryoku Point cap increases by 20.

Pyro: ATK increases by 30%.

Cryo: Crit Rate increases by 20%.

Electro: When Normal and Charged Attacks hit an opponent, 0.8 Energy will be restored. Energy can be restored this way every 0.2 seconds.

  • Gales of Reverie (4th Ascension Passive) – When the Wanderer hits opponents while in his Windfavored State, he has a 16% chance to obtain the Descent effect, enabling him to accelerate without consuming Kuugoryoku Points and fire off 4 Wind Arrows that deal 35% of his ATK as Anemo DMG.

With his fast attack speed, it is recommended to play Wanderer as a Main DPS and treat the added Swirl damage as just a bonus. Prioritize levelling up his Elemental Skill and Normal Attack, as these are his bread and butter. Once maxed, you can upgrade his Elemental Burst for additional damage.

Genshin Wanderer Skills

Best Team Comps

It’s important to note that Wanderer has a low resistance to interruption while he’s mid-air. Getting interrupted while on his Windfavored State greatly diminishes his DPS as he takes a lot of time to get back up. With that said, a shielder like Zhongli or Diona is a must-have on Wanderer’s team comps.

Genshin Wanderer Hypercarry

Wanderer Hypercarry Team

Main DPS: Wanderer

Support/Buffer: Faruzan

Support/Buffer: Bennett

Support/Shielder: Zhongli/Diona

Faruzan’s Elemental Burst decreases enemies’ Anemo RES while giving her teammates a large Anemo DMG Bonus. This makes her Wanderer’s best Anemo support. In the Wanderer Hypercarry Team, we focus on amplifying Wanderer’s DMG with Faruzan and Bennett. While Zhongli’s or Diona’s shield protects Wanderer from knockbacks, ensuring he deals as much damage as possible during his Elemental Skill.

Genshin Wanderer Driver

Wanderer Driver Team

Main DPS: Wanderer

Sub-DPS: Fischl

Sub-DPS: Xingqiu

Support/Shielder: Zhongli/Diona

If you’re not lucky enough to pull Faruzan, you can consider adding Sub-DPSes to increase the team’s total damage output. In this team, Wanderer acts as a driver who activates Fischl’s and Xingqiu’s off-field potential. This team deals massive single-target damage and minor AoE damage from the Electro-Charged elemental reaction.

Best Weapons

Best 5-star option: Tulaytullah’s Remembrance

  • Base ATK: 674
  • Crit DMG: 44.1%
  • Increases Normal Attack SPD by 10% and Normal Attack DMG by up to 48%.

Best F2P option: Mappa Mare

  • Base ATK: 565
  • Elemental Mastery: 110
  • Triggering an Elemental Reaction grants 8% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10 seconds. Max 2 stacks.

Best Artifacts

When building Wanderer, we must focus on increasing his raw Anemo DPS from Normal Attacks. Equipping a 4-piece Desert Pavilion Chronicle set not only increases his Normal and Charged Attack DMG but also improves his DPS by buffing his Attack SPD.

4-piece Desert Pavilion Chronicle Set

  • +15% Anemo DMG Bonus
  • When Charged Attacks hit opponents, the character’s Normal Attack SPD will increase by 10%, while Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attack DMG will increase by 40% for 15 seconds. 


Wanderer’s hovering tech makes him an exciting pick if you want to try a fun, new playstyle. You can’t go wrong with this hypercarry as he’s also viable as a team driver, which means he’ll work with any Sub-DPS or support units you have. 

All sold on getting Wanderer? Don’t forget to top up Genesis Crystals for your Genshin Impact account only at Codashop! We offer fast and secure payment options, so you can get back to slaying Hilichurls right away.



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