Protecting the Game Environment: PUBG Mobile’s Eagle System


PUBGM Eagle System Review (1)PUBG Mobile (PUBGM) is a popular Battle Royale title with a massive player base. Like other games, it is also susceptible to violations like cheating, hacking, and other suspicious behavior in-game. This presents a problem in the community, with players generally discouraged from playing more games. By introducing a player-centric review system called the “Eagle System,” PUBG Mobile now spotlights how players can detect cheaters through a real-time review. We look at how this system works and the requirements to join the review process.

What is The Eagle System?

The Eagle System is a newly-implemented review system incorporated in PUBGM. This system allows players to review games flagged with cheating or suspicious behavior. By participating in the Eagle System panel, players will get to witness how PUBGM processes the penalties for suspicious behavior. But being an Eagle System investigator requires skill and attention to detail. This brings us to…

How to Become an Eagle System Investigator

To become an Eagle System investigator, players must be of a high rank. PUBGM requires the following to become an investigator:

  • A rank of at least Crown V
  • A Merit grade of 100 (therefore, no existing violations or penalties)
  • Completion of 30 video exercises with at least 80% accuracy in detecting violations

This seems like a big ordeal, but the requirements make much sense. Even if you have a higher rank, like Commander or Ace, and you can not spot the cheater, it becomes a difficult task to penalize them. The last requirement is the real test for those who want to become an investigator. So if you want to become an Eagle System investigator, have a keen eye on possible cheaters in your matches or watch tutorials regarding this subject before taking the video exercises.

The video exercises consist of a video of at least one minute in length, a timer of at most one and a half minutes to determine your decision if the player violated any rules and a list of violations where there is only one correct answer. The degree of difficulty in determining cheaters through the video exercises scales upwards, so this will require keen judgment on your part.

To determine if you have completed any requirements, an indicator in the Investigators tab in the Security Center will turn white if you meet the criterion. If not, it will be marked in red.

PUBGM es investigator home

Joining the Eagle System Investigation

If you have successfully become an Eagle System investigator, you can start doing reviews. To do this, you must follow these steps:

  • Enter the Security Center from the Main Menu of PUBGM
  • Tap on the “Investigators” tab
  • Tap “Eagle System
  • Choose any video for pending review.

The process of the Eagle System review is similar to the video exercises, so the selection process is a simulation of the real thing.

After deciding whether the player violated the rules, it will go through an official review, and the verdict will be notified to the players and investigators.

What Are the Perks of the Eagle System?

The only perk of Eagle System investigators is reputation. You gain XP, which acts as your credibility amongst reviewers. While it may look insignificant at first, the investigator’s XP matters in future opportunities for review. I surmise that the higher the XP, the better (and more challenging) the reviews will be.

While the Eagle System is an innovative idea, it is still an imperfect system to detect cheaters and other suspicious PUBGM players. What it introduces – the involvement of the PUBGM community – should be emulated by other free-to-play games. We will see if the Eagle System benefits the PUBGM community in the future. Let us rejoice for the active efforts of the PUBGM publishers, developers, and the player base in combatting cheaters.

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