Return of the Physical DMG Queen: Genshin Impact Eula Build Guide


Genshin Impact Eula (1)After almost two years of being absent from the numerous Genshin Impact banners that have come and gone, Eula finally returns for the game’s Version 3.8 patch along with the lovable and adorable Klee. Hailed as the game’s undisputed Physical DMG Queen, Eula boasts incredible damage potential and a unique playstyle that sets her apart from other characters. For Claymore user collectors or fans of Physical and Cryo teams, Eula is finally here to fill that void. Without further ado, here’s our Genshin Impact Eula guide with the best builds, tips, and team recommendations.

Eula’s Abilities and Playstyle

Eula Ult Genshin Impact

Eula is a Cryo Element user, but her damage output shines best when you build her for Physical DMG. Her graceful moves look like a dance which translates into devastating attacks with the swing of her massive sword. Let’s break down her entire kit and discuss her playstyle.

Favonius Bladework – Edel (Normal and Charged Attacks) – Eula swings her sword five times in varying forms while dealing Physical DMG. Holding the attack button will let her do a Charged Attack where she performs continuous slashes and a powerful slash at the end. This attack drains your stamina continuously.

Icetide Vortex (Elemental Skill) – Eula uses her claymore to perform a quick slash dealing Cryo DMG. Hitting an opponent grants one stack of Grimheart. Grimheart can be stacked up to 2 times, which increases Eula’s DEF and resistance to interruption. When you hold the Elemental Skill button, you’ll consume all Grimheart stacks with a forward slash that deals AoE Cryo DMG to opponents. Enemies hit by a Grimheart-enhanced skill will have their Physical RES and Cryo RES decreased.

Glacial Illumination (Elemental Burst) – Eula brandishes her claymore for a wide slash dealing Cryo DMG to nearby opponents and creating a Lightfall Sword floating beside her for up to 7 seconds. This increases Eula’s resistance to interruption. Every Normal Attack or Elemental Skill used in the presence of the Lightfall Sword will charge it up to 30 stacks. Once the duration ends or when Eula exits the battlefield, the Lightfall Sword will explode violently, consuming all the stacks and dealing massive Physical DMG to all nearby opponents.

Rolling Rime (1st Ascension Passive) – Holding Eula’s Elemental Skill will result in consuming Grimheart stacks. With this passive, a Shattered Lightfall Sword will also be created, which will explode immediately and deal Physical DMG to surrounding opponents.

Wellspring of War-Lust (4th Ascension Passive) – When Glacial Illumination is used, the cooldown of Icetide Vortex is reset, and Eula acquires 1 stack of Grimheart.

Aristocratic Introspection (Utility Passive) – Eula has a 10% chance to receive double rewards when crafting Character Talent Materials.

Looking at Eula’s kit, you can maximise your damage by gaining as many stacks as you can for Grimheart and Lightfall Sword. With her innate ability to resist interruption, she’s perfect for dishing out devastating attacks to multiple opponents with her claymore. The Rolling Rime passive adds an extra layer to her gameplay, allowing her to consume Grimheart stacks to create a mini Lightfall Sword that explodes and deals additional damage.

Eula Build Guide

Despite being a Cryo Element user, Eula is best utilised as a Physical DMG DPS that can break through an enemy’s defence regardless of their elemental affinity. She’s best built as a DPS Hypercarry, where you build a team around her and focus on enhancing offensive stats like ATK, Physical DMG, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG. While she relies heavily on her Elemental Skill and Burst, you don’t have to invest in Energy Recharge Artifacts since you can just leave that to her support team. Here are some gear recommendations for her:

Best Weapon

Eula Weapon Genshin Impact

5-Star Claymores

  • Song of Broken Pines – Huge Physical DMG bonus with ATK% buffs and Attack Speed. This is the best-in-slot weapon for Eula.
  • Beacon of the Reed Sea – Grants Crit Rate stats if you’re lacking crit rate from other sources. Also has good ATK buffs to further boost her DMG.

4-Star Claymores

  • Serpent Spine – Good stats and is a great choice for a team with Shielders to maintain the weapon’s buffs.
  • Akuoumaru – Grants additional ATK as a secondary stat. If you want to boost Eula’s Elemental Burst DMG, then this is a good pick.

Recommended Artifact Sets

Eula Artifacts Genshin Impact

The 4-piece Pale Flame set is still the best Artifact set you can give to Eula as it has great synergy with her entire kit. It gives her a Physical DMG bonus as well as ATK buffs whenever she uses her Elemental Skill, which has quite a low cooldown and can be easily spammed. However, if you’re still farming for Pale Flame Artifacts with good stats, you can just use two Pale Flame pieces and combine them with any of these 2-piece combinations:

  • 2-piece Bloodstained Chivalry – This grants +25% Physical DMG Bonus
  • 2-piece Noblesse Oblige – The Noblesse set is mostly reserved for support units, but its 2-piece bonus is still quite viable for increasing Eula’s Burst damage.
  • 2-piece Gladiator’s Finale – This grants +18% ATK. You can also use other attack-boosting sets like Brave Heart or Shimenawa’s Reminiscence.

Best Team Comps

Eula Move Genshin Impact

Physical teams have long been outdamaged by other Elemental team comps due to their lack of reactions with other elements. However, it’s still a viable option that values simplicity and outright raw damage. In Eula’s case, there’s no other character capable of dealing as much physical damage as she can, making the hypercarry DPS role her best role. The only question is, which support units should you bring along with her? Consider the following team comps for a hypercarry Physical DMG Eula:

Standard Cryo-Electro Team

  • Main DPS: Eula
  • Sub-DPS: Fischl/Raiden Shogun
  • Battery/Support: Shenhe/Rosaria/Kaeya
  • Shielder/Healer: Diona/Layla/Mika

A standard Cryo-Electro team will help Eula deal great damage by taking advantage of Superconduct reactions, which shred any target’s Physical RES. In this case, all you need is an Electro applicator that you can use off-field most of the time, like Fischl or Raiden Shogun. To meet Eula’s energy requirements, you’ll need a battery like Shenhe or Rosaria. You also need another Cryo unit for shielding (Diona/Layla) or healing (Mika) and more energy generation. Diona is your best option here, as she can essentially do all of those functions and has more than enough shielding to keep Eula from taking too much damage. 

Cryo-Electro Team (Eula + Beidou Combo)

  • Main DPS: Eula
  • Sub-DPS: Beidou
  • Battery/Support: Fischl/Kuki Shinobu
  • Shielder/Healer: Diona/Layla/Mika

Beidou has good energy recharge stats, and with her perfect counters, your Electro-Cryo team can easily dish out massive damage. In order to fully utilise this team’s damage potential, you’ll need two Electro units this time to take advantage of the Elemental Resonance. Two Electro units will give you more energy particles for elemental reactions, while two Cryo units will boost your team’s Crit Rate. Apart from Eula and Beidou, the rest of the team can be filled in by units similar to the first team recommendation. You’ll need a battery for more energy and a shielder or healer for good survivability.

Cryo-Hyperbloom Team

  • Main DPS: Eula
  • Sub-DPS: Nahida
  • Battery/Support: Kuki Shinobu/Raiden Shogun
  • Healer/Sub-DPS: Xingqiu

As mentioned earlier, Physical units like Eula don’t really interact well with other elements, including Dendro. But in a Hyperbloom team, a Physical DPS could still shine as they can provide additional DMG without messing up your team’s reactions. For Hyperbloom teams to work, you’ll need Hydro, Dendro, and Electro applicators that will deal the most damage and churn out reactions after reactions. While your team is doing this, you can swap in Eula to deal Physical DMG while the reactions are ongoing. She can also apply Cryo from time to time, possibly freezing enemies if timed right with Xingqiu’s Rain Swords. This is a great team composition that offers flexibility, giving you a lot of sources of DMG while maintaining great synergy (or lack thereof) between the elements.

All in all, Eula’s banner return is a welcome opportunity for players who missed out on her initial release. As the undisputed poster girl for Physical DMG, she brings a unique playstyle to the game, with high burst damage and the potential for massive crits. Her Cryo element also adds a valuable element to team compositions, allowing for powerful reactions and elemental resonance bonuses.

Make sure you have enough Primogems to pull for Eula by recharging your Genesis Crystals only through Codashop. We offer multiple secure payment methods to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.