Big Gamer Blow Out with Globe


Top up to join now!

Will you be one of the lucky winners of Codashop and Globe’s Big Gamer Blow Out? Lots of prizes to be won, just top up any of the following games using Globe and read the instructions below:

Rules of Survival
Life After
MU Origin 2
Dragon Raja
Ragnarok M
Genshin Impact


  1. Promo period is February – March 16, 2021.
  2. This promo is open to all Globe, TM subscribers nationwide.
  3. To join: A) Purchase any amount of Rules of Survival, Life After, MU Origin 2, Dragon Raja, Ragnarok M and Genshin Impact gaming pins on Codashop and pay using Globe, TM B) Enter a valid email address upon purchase C) Complete and submit the promo registration form. The link will be shown in the email receipt.
  4. Deadline of submission of entries is on March 16, 2021 at 11:59PM.
  5. There will be a weekly draw and a grand draw in the presence of a DTI representative, following the schedule below:
Week # Draw Date Period covered Winner announcement
1 Feb-24 Feb 17 – 23 Feb-24
2 Mar-03 Feb 24 – March 02 Mar-03
3 Mar-10 March 03 – 09 Mar-10
1-4 Mar-17 March 10 – 16 Mar-17


  1. Winners of game credits will be contacted via email the same day as the announcement. The winner must reply and confirm his/her details to claim the prize. Prize will be sent directly to the user/game ID within 15 working days after receiving the reply.
  2. Winners of physical prizes will be contacted via email and snail mail. The winner must reply and confirm his/her details to claim the prize. Prize will be sent to the winner’s preferred address within 15 working days after receiving the reply.
  3. Codashop is not liable for the loss or damage of the prize while in transit.
  4. Winners must redeem their prizes within 60 days upon receipt of notice. Prizes will be forfeited beyond redemption period upon DTI’s approval.
  5. Prizes are non-transferrable.
  6. The 20% tax for prizes exceeding P10,000 will be shouldered by the winners.
  7. A Globe/TM subscriber can only win once per draw (week).
  8. By participating in the raffle, the winner agrees to cooperate with and participate in any advertising or publicity activities of Coda Payments relating to the draw. The winner agrees that Coda may publicize their names in such mode and manner as Coda considers fit. The winner’s name may be published on Coda’s website & social media channels.

Weekly Prizes:
7 winners of 660 ROS diamonds & 3 winners of 1380 ROS diamonds
5 winners of 1108 Life After credits
5 winners of 2000 MU Origin 2 diamonds
5 winners of Ragnarok M gift pack (Valkyrie Growth Pack*5, Frey Coin *1 and Lucky Coins*20)
7 winners of 698 Dragon Raja coupons & 3 winners of 1471 Dragon Raja coupons
12 winners of 300 Genshin Impact Genesis crystals & 3 winners of 980 Genesis crystals

Grand Draw prizes:
6 winners of Smart Tab M10 FHD Plus with the Google Assistant (1 per game)
1 winner of Legion Phone Duel Blazing Blue