Genshin Impact: Best Genius Invokation TCG Decks to Build


Genshin TCG strongest decks to build

Travellers have been frequenting the Cat’s Tail recently not just because of Diona’s unintentionally delicious blends but also because of Genius Invokation, the trading card game (TCG) that has taken Teyvat by storm. Everybody, from little Timmie to the Tianquan, Lady Ningguang, has tried a hand at it, and if you want to join the fun, here’s how to build a winning deck.

Genshin Impact TCG

How to build a deck

Completing the “Come Try Genius Invokation TCG!” Quest gives you the Casket of Tomes, a gadget that stores all your cards and deck builds. Look for it in the Gadgets tab of your inventory to start building a deck. 

Genius Invokation decks are composed of 3 Character Cards and 30 Action Cards. Character Cards are the ones that deal and take damage, while the Action Cards support you in battle, like how artifacts, food buffs, and weapons give you an edge in open-world combat. You can also take advantage of Elemental Resonances and Elemental Reactions to bring your game to the next level.

Strongest Genius Invokation TCG decks to build

Ayaka Freeze Deck

It doesn’t take an expert to know that Freeze teams are the strongest and most consistent in Genius Invokation TCG. Being frozen for one turn in a card game feels like an eternity, not to mention they can freeze you for multiple rounds in succession.

The Ayaka Freeze deck focuses on disabling your opponent’s Character Cards with Ayaka’s Cryo element and Xingqiu’s Raincutter. Chongyun enters as the third team member with his Layered Frost Elemental Skill that infuses team members’ Normal Attacks with Cryo for a longer streak of Freeze application.

For the support cards, we’ll include all the Cryo Elemental Resonance cards, the Kanten Senmyou Blessing card for better Cryo application, and a couple of support cards that make all our turns more efficient.

Character Cards:

  • Ayaka
  • Chongyun
  • Xingqiu

Support Cards:

  • Elemental Resonance: Woven Ice (2 pieces)
  • Elemental Resonance: Shattering Ice (2 pieces)
  • Kanten Senmyou Blessing (2 pieces)
  • Strategize (2 pieces)
  • Send-off (1 piece)
  • Starsigns (1 piece)
  • Changing Shifts (2 pieces)
  • The Bestest Travel Companion (2 pieces)
  • Paimon (2 pieces)
  • Leave it to Me! (1 piece)
  • Katheryne (1 piece)
  • Liben (2 pieces)
  • Chang the Ninth (2 pieces)
  • Liu Su (2 pieces)
  • Jade Chamber (1 piece)
  • Parametric Transformer (1 piece)
  • Minty Meat Rolls (2 pieces)
  • Mondstadt Hash Brown (1 piece)
  • NRE (1 piece)

Keqing Superconduct Deck

Now, we understand that trading card games aren’t for everyone. If you’re part of the playerbase segment that prefers combat-related content, you’re probably playing TCG just for the achievements, Primogems, and that adorable cat name card. In that case, the Keqing Superconduct Deck is the perfect build for you.

TCG Superconduct works a little bit differently from its overworld version. Here, this Elemental Reaction born out of Cryo and Electro deals piercing damage to the target and nearby Character Cards. This is good for speedrunning the Genius Invokation achievements page and Weekly Missions, as it allows you to wipe teams easily with AOE damage.

The deck capitalizes on Keqing and Ganyu’s AOE element application which is enhanced by the Electro Resonance cards’ energy regeneration. Add cards like “When the Crane Returned” and “Leave it to Me!” for a smoother card rotation and increased Superconduct procs.

Character Cards:

  • Keqing
  • Ganyu
  • Fischl

Support Cards:

  • Elemental Resonance: Woven Thunder (2 pieces)
  • Elemental Resonance: High Voltage (2 pieces)
  • Exile’s Circlet (2 pieces)
  • Paimon (2 pieces)
  • Katheryne (2 pieces)
  • Liben (2 pieces)
  • Iron Tongue Tian (2 pieces)
  • Liu Su (2 pieces)
  • The Bestest Travel Companion (2 pieces)
  • Strategize (2 pieces)
  • I Haven’t Lost it Yet! (1 piece)
  • Leave it to Me! (1 piece)
  • When the Crane Returned (2 pieces)
  • Starsigns (2 pieces)
  • Calx’s Arts (1 piece)
  • Quick Knit (1 piece)
  • Adeptus’ Temptation (2 pieces)

Noelle Hypercarry Deck

Noelle’s kit, both in TCG and in the open world, is extremely reliable. She has a fairly strong shield and a decent amount of healing. She even sweeps Spiral Abyss floors clean with her aptly named Ultimate, Sweeping Time. She’s a one-woman army, so much so that you can replace the other two Character Cards in this deck and still dominate.

The sole focus of this build is to ramp up Noelle’s strengths by activating the Geo Resonance and to support her with additional healing, defense, and damage buffs. We’ll include Ningguang as the second Geo character, as her Elemental Skill provides additional damage reduction to the deck. You can replace her with the Stonehide Lawachurl if you’re against another tanky lineup. To complete the build, we’ll add more Sweeping Time damage and healing with Bennett.

Character Cards:

  • Noelle
  • Ningguang
  • Bennett

Support Cards:

  • Elemental Resonance: Woven Stone (2 pieces)
  • Elemental Resonance: Enduring Rock (1 piece)
  • Grand Expectation (2 pieces)
  • Wolf’s Gravestone (1 piece)
  • Gambler’s Earrings (2 pieces)
  • Paimon (2 pieces)
  • Liben (1 piece)
  • Chang the Ninth (2 pieces)
  • Liu Su (2 pieces)
  • The Bestest Travel Companion (2 pieces)
  • Changing Shifts (1 piece)
  • Strategize (2 pieces)
  • Leave it to Me! (2 pieces)
  • Starsigns (2 pieces)
  • Lotus Flower Crisps (2 pieces)
  • Northern Smoked Chicken (2 pieces)
  • Minty Meat Rolls (2 pieces)

It’s still Genshin Impact, so a little luck on the dice roll phase could help you a ton. However, once you know your deck like the back of your hand, you’ll start to make the right decisions and counter-plays based on whatever starting hand you’re dealt with. Good luck, Traveler!

If you need to top up Genesis Crystals, remember to visit Codashop for a secure and convenient payment process.