Genshin Impact Version 2.5: New character Yae Miko and Raiden Shogun boss fight


Genshin Impact When the Sakura Bloom

The latest update is now available in Genshin Impact with Version 2.5 – ‘When the Sakura Bloom.’ Travelers are in for a new adventure to dive in with tons of new features. Yae Miko finally joins the list of playable characters. Two new weapons, exciting quests, and events are added, including a face-off with Raiden Shogun in the weekly boss fight.

New Character Yae Miko arrives

Genshin Impact Yae MikoYae Miko. Image credit: Mihoyo / Genshin Impact

Yae Miko, “Astute Amusement,” is a Catalyst user from Inazuma and the first five-star Electro character introduced in the game. Yae Miko oversees the Grand Narukami Shrine and works as the editor-in-chief of the Yae Publishing House. 

Yae Miko’s Elemental Skill is called “Yakan Evocation: Sesshou Sakura,” which allows her to move quickly while leaving behind Sesshou Sakura. The Sesshou Sakura will periodically strike enemies with lightning to deal Electro Damage. 

As an Electro Catalyst, players will find Yae Miko to synergize greatly with Raiden Shogun. A great addition to a party to enhance damage, make sure to pull Yae Miko before her banner is gone.

Raiden Shogun and Kokomi banner reruns

Raiden Banner Rerun

Players who missed out on Raiden Shogun and Kokomi can rejoice! These two will have their banner reruns in the second half of Version 2.5. Time to save up on those Primogems!

New Event: “Three Realms Gateway Offering”

Genshin Impact Three Realms

In this new event, players will explore the darkness-covered Enkanomiya. By using Light Realm Sigils to upgrade the Bokuso Box, players stand a chance to get the Catalyst weapon called “Oathsworn Eye.” Complete the quests to receive other rewards like Primogems, Weapon Ascension materials, and more.

Duration: 2022/02/17 10:00 until the end of Version 2.5

Eligibility: Reach Adventure Rank 30 or above. Complete the Archon Quest: “Chapter II: Act II – Stillness, the Sublimation of Shadow” and complete the World Quest “Erebos’ Secret.”

New Main Story

Story Quests

Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest is called “Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II – Transient Dreams.” To unlock the quest, players must:

Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter

*Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above.
*Complete the Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals”
*Complete Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest “Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act I – Reflections of Mortality”

Yae Miko’s Story Quest is called “Divina Vulpes Chapter: Act I – The Great Narukami Offering.” To unlock the quest, players must:

Divina Vulpes Chapter

*Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above.
*Complete Raiden Shogun’s Story Quest “Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II – Transient Dreams”

New Weapons

Two new weapons make their debut in the game. Kagura’s Verity is a five-star Catalyst that can be obtained from Wishes. The other is the Oathsworn Eye, a four-star Catalyst that can be obtained for free by participating in the Three Realms Gateway Offering event.

Genshin Impact Kaguras Verity

New Enemies

Travelers will have their hands full as they gear up for battle against new enemies. Located at Nurukami Island, the “Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto” is the form that the puppet that inherited the Raiden Shogun’s authority takes when she opposes those who threaten Eternity.

Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto

She will continuously absorb Ominous Destiny and will enter the Baleful Shadowlord form when Ominous Destiny is filled up. Beware, she is capable of more fatal attacks and has excellent DMG RES.

Shadowy Husk

There’s also the enigmatic warrior of darkness known as Shadowy Husk (Standard Bearer, Line Breaker, and Defender). Players take caution for when their attacks hit a character defended by shields; they will obtain buffs at the cost of its HP.

These are some of the new features in Genshin Impact Version 2.5. Which are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments section below.

Don’t forget to top up Genesis Crystals for Genshin Impact on Codashop. It’s faster and easier, with plenty of convenient payment methods available.