Smol But Terrible: Genshin Impact Klee’s Explosive Potential


Genshin Impact KleeSpark Knight Klee of the Knights of Favionius reports for duty with her heavy-loaded kit and DPS. She’s a 5-star catalyst wielder who relies on her improvised explosives to deliver massive AoE damage, and she’s one of the strongest Pyro units in Genshin Impact. When not in the Knights’ confinement room, she can often be seen fish-blasting in Starfell Lake, which in turn forces Master Jean to put her back in the confinement room.

In this article, we’ll cover all about Klee’s abilities, playstyle, builds, and team comps to help you decide if you should pull on the current Genshin Impact V3.8 banner. Read on!

Genshin Impact Klee

Klee’s abilities and playstyle

  • Kaboom! (Normal Attack and Charged Attack) – Klee performs up to 3 explosive attacks, dealing AoE Pyro DMG. Hold the attack button to deliver Pyro DMG to a larger AoE with her charged attack.
  • Jumpy Dumpty (Elemental Skill) – Klee throws a Jumpy Dumpty that bounces three times, igniting and dealing AoE Pyro DMG with every bounce. On the third bounce, the Jumpy Dumpty splits into many mines, which will explode upon contact with opponents or after a short delay.
  • Sparks’ n’ Splash (Elemental Burst) – Klee summons Sparks’ n’ Splash to attack nearby opponents, dealing AoE Pyro DMG.
  • Pounding Surprise (1st Ascension Passive) – When Jumpy Dumpty and Normal Attacks deal DMG, Klee has a chance to obtain an Explosive Spark, which allows her next Charged Attack to consume 0 stamina and deal 50% more DMG.
  • Sparkling Burst (4th Ascension Passive) – When Klee’s Charged Attack results in a Crit Hit, all party members gain 2 Elemental Energy.

With a straightforward normal attack, skill, and burst, going ham with the Unga Bunga playstyle and watching the world burn is an easy and tempting path to take. But if you want to maximize her damage output, capitalizing on Explosive Sparks is the way to go.

Klee’s normal attacks may feel clunky at first, but this clunkiness is exactly what gives her an edge over other catalyst units. It allows the player to perform animation cancels to maximize her DPS and trigger more Pounding Surprise procs.

To do this, perform a normal attack and then jump/move as soon as possible. This cancels Klee’s normal attack animation, allowing you to throw another one quickly. You’ll see a small shining flower beside her once you proc Pounding Suprise with her normal attacks. Perform a Charged Attack as soon as you see this mark, repeat the process, and watch your opponents melt. Timing your animation cancels and dodges in a real battle can take some practice, making Klee a fun and challenging character to play. 

Best team comps

Klee Mono Pyro Team

Mono-Pyro Team

  • Main DPS: Klee
  • Sub-DPS: Xiangling
  • Anemo Crowd Control: Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti
  • Shielder: Zhongli/Noelle

In this team, we rely on the raw Pyro DMG of Klee and Xiangling. The Anemo supports help by grouping the enemies and boosting Pyro DMG with Viridescent Venerer while the shielders are there to ensure Klee maximizes her on-field time, blocking attacks that could interrupt her movement. If you’re confident with your dodging skills, you can replace the shielder with Bennett for healing and an additional damage boost.

Klee Vaporize Team

Vaporize Team

  • Main DPS: Klee
  • Sub-DPS: Xingqiu and/or Yelan
  • Anemo Crowd Control: Kazuha/Sucrose/Venti
  • Healer/Support: Bennet

Genshin Impact’s Elemental Reactions are a key part of its gameplay. If you find mono-pyro teams boring and want to capitalize on amplifying reactions instead, try a Vaporize Team with Xingqiu and Yelan as Sub-DPSes. Like in the previous team comp, the Anemo unit helps by grouping enemies and boosting Pyro DMG. The double-hydro setup ensures all Vaporize procs are from Hydro units, resulting in a 200% increase in DMG.

Best builds

Since Klee takes the most field time, the Sub-DPSes will be the ones triggering Elemental Reactions. Thus, we’ll focus on the following stats: ATK, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG. The Elemental Mastery stat isn’t totally useless, though, as she can still trigger Vaporize or Melt in some situations. With that said, you can also go for a 4-piece Crimson Witch of Flames set and the Mappa Mare for stronger Elemental Reactions.

Best weapons

Klee Weapon

Best 5-star option: Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds

Base ATK: 608

Crit Rate: 33.1%

Increases Movement SPD by 10%. When in battle, gain an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus every 4 seconds. Max 4 stacks.

Best F2P option: Mappa Mare

Base ATK: 565

Elemental Mastery: 110

Triggering an Elemental Reaction grants an 8% Elemental DMG Bonus for 10 seconds. Max 2 stacks.

Best artifact sets

Klee Artifacts

  • 2-piece Crimson Witch of Flames: Pyro DMG Bonus +15% plus any 2-piece ATK % Booster (Gladiator’s Finale or Shimenawa’s Reminiscence Set): ATK + 18%
  • 4-piece Crimson Witch of Flames: Increases Overload, Burning, and Burgeon DMG by 40%, and Vaporize and Melt DMG by 15%. Using an Elemental Skill increases the 2-piece Set Bonus by 50% of its starting value for 10 seconds. Max 3 stacks.

After almost three years after her initial release, the Spark Knight Klee remains one of the most devastating Pyro units in Genshin Impact. With her explosive abilities and a playstyle that rewards skill and perfect animation cancelling, she brings another layer of fun and challenge to the game. If you’ve decided to pull for this smol but terrible character, we wish you good luck, Traveller! And Don’t forget to top up Genesis Crystals only at Codashop for a safe and hassle-free gaming experience.

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