Free Fire: Silencers vs Muzzles – All you need to know


Know the difference between the two weapon attachments

Free Fire Silencers and Muzzles

Weapon attachments in Free Fire play an important role in gunfights. They turn a plain weapon into a deadlier and more efficient killing machine. However, there are players who are still unfamiliar with the benefits of using the right weapon attachment. In this post, we turn our attention to two attachments: the silencer and the muzzle. Learn their main difference and how you can use them to your advantage.

What are Weapon Attachments in Free Fire?

These are accessories that can be equipped with a number of weapons to get better performance and other advantages. There are six attachments in Free Fire (Stock included). Take note that not all weapons have slots for attachments. Learn more about weapon attachments by visiting our Free Fire Weapon Attachments Guide.

Weapon Attachments in Free Fire


A silencer is used to muffle the firing sound of a weapon and hides your shooting location from being seen on the minimap. Far targets will not see any firing indicators like gunfire sound and muzzle flash. The silencer doesn’t add damage or increase the distance of fire but is very effective for those who choose to stay quiet in battle. In addition, remember that the silencer has only one level.

The silencer is available for the following weapons:

  • AK 
  • AUG 
  • AWM 
  • Desert Eagle
  • Dragunov
  • Kar98k
  • M14
  • M4A1
  • M500
  • M82B
  • MP5
  • SCAR
  • SKS
  • SVD
  • UMP
  • USP
  • XM8

Tips for using a Silencer

As mentioned, use a silencer to tone down the sound of shots fired. A few tips about using silencers:

  1. Weapons used for range combat (with the exception of sniper rifles) have a large spread. You can reduce it by using a silencer.
  2. Consider the silencer as the ‘best friend’ of most weapons. It makes shooting almost inaudible, so the player does not present himself to other players.
  3. You can use a silencer on a Desert Eagle, which for its type is quite powerful and can shoot at a decent distance.
The difference between Silencer and Muzzle in Free Fire
The difference between Silencer and Muzzle in Free Fire. Image Credit: Garena


A muzzle helps increase the weapon’s effective range when equipped. It stabilizes your weapon and makes your bullets deal maximum damage when you shoot over long distances. The damage reflected will not be affected by the distance. In Free Fire, you can choose the muzzle level to increase your weapon’s range from small, medium, or large. However, take note that the exact number for the range increased is not available.

The muzzle is available for the following weapons:

  • AK
  • AN94
  • AUG
  • AWM
  • Desert Eagle
  • Dragunov
  • M14
  • M4A1
  • M500
  • MP5
  • SCAR
  • SKS
  • SVD
  • Thompson
  • UMP
  • USP
  • XM8

Tips for using a Muzzle

  1. For snipers, always remember that the most important attachments for you are the muzzle and the scope.
  2. When looting for equipment and you spot a rifle, the first thing you need to do is to put a muzzle and a scope to buff your damage.
  3. The muzzle attachment is not mandatory, but remember that it gives you a big boost and is very handy because it gives your bullets more damage in battle.

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