VALORANT’s Breeze Has Major Overhaul in Act 2 Update


VALORANT Breeze Map UpdateBreeze is back! Here at Codashop, we enjoy the challenge this map brings every match. But after it was out of the map rotation back in January, it was assumed that the map would have minor changes. Eight months later, we now have news that the map is going to be part of the upcoming Patch 7.04 update. In this article, we’ll look at the major changes in the map and some insights on how it will change the way the map is going to be played.

Breeze: VALORANT’s Interesting Map

When Breeze was introduced in 2021, it was the closest map one could get to an experience similar to Counter-Strike. It felt wide, had double doors, long sight lines, and a hall area for lurking. Viper was the de facto Controller Agent for this map, while Sage had an impact with her Barrier Orb blocking some chokepoints like B Main and Mid Doors. The new Agents at the time, Astra and Chamber were top picks for the map as secondary Controller and main Sentinel respectively. The team compositions for this map varied as more Agents were introduced, like KAY/O and Fade. North American professional team Sentinels ran a dual Initiator team composition with these two Agents.

What makes this map interesting is the fact that it started a two-way sight line in the middle section of the map where players must split up in order to take advantage of those holding angles in Mid Top and Mid Doors to B Elbow. Lurking alone without caution will almost always cost the round. This concept was incorporated in Fracture’s A Dish before it was revamped to streamline the duels in that section of the map. With that said, what are the changes in Breeze?

Breeze Overhaul

When Riot Games released the changes they made to Breeze on their official social media pages, the changes were massive. The whole map got a major revamp, not just small changes. In this section, we’ll go through the changes made in the map.

Mid Pillar and Cubby

As previously mentioned, Mid has started the two-way sightline where Attackers should, ideally, split up to cover all of Mid. This created match-up problems if the attacking team did not have a Controller like Astra or an Initiator like KAY/O. To streamline this, the pillar area now only leads Attackers toward Mid Doors, effectively making a similar change they made to Fracture.

Old mid pillar
Old Mid Pillar
New mid pillar
New Mid Pillar

A change to the area means that there is a space in the back of the wall of the new Mid Pillar. This Cubby will have to be checked by the Attackers.

old breeze back pillar
Old Back Pillar
new breeze back pillar
New Back Pillar

B Site and Back Site

This part of the map was redesigned in 2022 with the Back Site closed off to prevent a two-way sight line in B Main. With this new design, the Back Site will have the same intention as the original design with a little effort put in.

old B Back Site
Old B Back Site
New B Back Site
New B Back Site

Another noticeable change is the stairs on the right side of the map leading to the bomb site. This is now removed, presumably to streamline how Defenders would keep track of where Attackers might enter. This will be elaborated later.

Old B Site
Old B Site
New B Site
New B Site

A Hall

Another major change that will greatly affect how Breeze will be played is A Hall. While the whole section still exists, it is blocked off. This prevents one essential component of Breeze: a potential lurk.

Old A Hall
Old A Hall
New A Hall
New A Hall

Mid Door

Mid Door now has a small room to hide in compared to the original design. The slightly opened door is now fully ajar. Additional boxes may now prevent peekers from Mid Hall from catching Attackers coming from Mid Pillar, which could simplify duels on both ends.

Old Mid Door
Old Mid Door
New Mid Door
New Mid Door

A Shop

A Shop is one of four chokepoints to enter A Site. With A Hall now blocked off and Mid Doors having a simplified feel, A Shop will be one of the most contested points on the map. Boxes on the right side of the Shop are added which Attackers should check.

Old A Shop
Old A Shop
New A Shop
New A Shop

A Cave

A Cave is another chokepoint going toward A Site. With the redesign of A Shop, it is inevitable that A Cave will receive the same treatment. The boxes behind A Shop show that A Cave is no longer accessible from the right side of the Shop. This means that Mid Door and A Shop are the only chokepoints going to A Site.

Old A Cave
Old A Cave
New A Cave
New A Cave

A Site

The changes Riot Games made to A Site are the addition of the design of the pyramids. The one close to Mid Door has a shrimp decal while the one close to A Cave has a crab decal. Apart from that, the pyramids are slightly taller. This could prevent Agents who can go on top of it like Chamber, Jett, and Omen do their unpredictable angles.

Old A Site
Old A Site
New A Site
New A Site

Initial Thoughts

We welcome this major redesign to Breeze. As a Viper and Cypher user on the map, the changes to Breeze effectively change how I will play. For example, as a Cypher, I can now simplify where I put the Trapwires while not worrying about lurkers from A Hall. Or, if I’m holding B Site, a strategically-placed Spycam can view the Site, B Mid, and if there is a lurker from Defender Spawn.

As Viper, placing the Poison Cloud on A Cave will be more effective than having to put both the Poison Cloud and Toxic Screen to cover both A Shop and A Cave.

As I previously mentioned, the changes in Mid Pillar are a game-changer because they make duels more streamlined and rewarding for both Attackers and Defenders. This change may make duels a true 50-50 than favoring the Defenders.

The major redesign of Breeze is a breath of fresh air, or should I say a welcome breeze? The new ways to engage opponents will make this map more exciting. We may also see it again in map picks when the Tier 1 VALORANT Champions Tour campaign starts again. We’re excited to see how the best teams in the world play this new version of the map.

What are your thoughts about the redesign? 

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