Genshin Impact: Chasca Character Guide


Chasca, Genshin Impact’s newest 5-star character, has finally descended upon Teyvat, and she’s ready to charm Travellers with her unique and refreshing playstyle! Dubbed the Peacemaker of the Flower-Feather Clan, Chasca wields the power of Anemo to stay on top of any conflict and keep the peace. She specializes in dishing out large bursts of damage and depends on a well-built team of Pyro, Electro, and Hydro teammates. Let’s dive into her kit so you can unleash her full potential!

Chasca’s Playstyle and Talents

Chasca takes RNG to a new level with a chaotic yet satisfying playstyle. Her kit revolves around her Shadowhunt Shells, Anemo-loaded bullets that can be randomly infused with other elements, resulting in entirely random elemental reactions. Let’s take a look at her kit:

Phantom Feather Flurry (Normal Attack)

Chasca’s Normal Attacks fire up to four quick shots with her cannon, while her Charged Attack releases a precise arrow imbued with Anemo energy, dealing AoE damage upon impact.

Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt (Elemental Skill)

Her Elemental Skill is where things get exciting. Activating this skill grants her Nightsoul points and enables Chasca to enter the Nightsoul’s Blessing state. In this state, she rides her trusty cannon and floats gracefully, consuming Nightsoul points to stay airborne. You can tap or hold the Attack button to fire quick Anemo shots or enter an aiming mode that targets enemies for large bursts. The charged mode allows her to load up to six Shadowhunt Shells that deal devastating Anemo damage, with the last three shells converting into elemental damage based on your team comp.

Soul Reaper’s Fatal Round (Elemental Burst)

Soul Reaper’s Fatal Round takes her battlefield dominance to new heights. She fires a massive Galesplitting Soulseeker Shell that shatters into six homing projectiles, each dealing AoE Anemo damage. Depending on the composition of your team, some of these projectiles will convert into Pyro, Hydro, Cryo, or Electro-infused damage, ensuring that your enemies feel the pain no matter their resistance.

Bullet Trick (1st Ascension Passive)

Chasca’s first passive increases the efficiency of loading Shadowhunt Shells, allowing her to convert a fourth shell into a Pyro, Cryo, Hydro, or Electro-infused shell.

Intent to Cover (4th Ascension Passive)

It adds even more firepower and triggers extra elemental damage when teammates activate a Nightsoul burst.

 Everburning Heart (Night Realm’s Gift Passive)

Chasca’s Night Realm passive allows her to stay airborne by consuming Phlogiston energy after she runs out of Nightsoul points.

Talent priority

Chasca’s elemental skill, Spirit Reins, Shadow Hunt, is her bread and butter during combat and exploration. Max this skill first for even deadlier 6-hit bursts. You can upgrade her elemental burst next for an additional source of damage and leave her normal attacks for last.

Best Weapons

Astral Vulture’s Crimson Plumage (5-star)

With a base attack of 608 and a 66.2% increase on Crit Damage, the Astral Vulture’s Crimson Plumage is Chasca’s best-in-slot. Its passive grants a 24% attack bonus when Swirl reactions are triggered and a 48% and 24% increase on Charged Attacks and Elemental Bursts, respectively, when at least three different elemental types are in your party.

Song of Stillness (F2P)

A solid free-to-play option, the Song of Stillness is a forgeable bow with a 510 base attack and a 41.3% increase on attack. Its passive, which activates when the wielder is healed, grants 16% more damage for 8 seconds.

Best Artifacts

As an Anemo unit, Chasca naturally gravitates to Elemental Mastery builds with the Sands, Goblet, and Circlet all having the EM main stat. However, with the unpredictable nature of Shadowhunt Shells, Travellers can also forgo elemental reactions and instead opt to improve their base stats. In that case, depending on your current stats, you can look for Sands and Goblets with ATK and Circlets with Crit Rate or Crit Damage.

Obsidian Codex

  • 2-piece bonus: Increase damage by 15% while in Nightsoul’s Blessing state.
  • 4-piece bonus: Increases Crit Rate by 40% for 6 seconds after consuming 1 Nightsoul point.

Viridescent Venerer

  • 2-piece bonus: Increases Anemo damage by 15%.
  • 4-piece bonus: Increases Swirl damage by 60% and decreases an enemy’s resistance to the element by 40% for 10 seconds.

Best Team Comps

Vape-Overload-Electro-Charged Team

  • Chasca (Driver)
  • Furina (Buffer, Hydro application)
  • Bennett (Buffer, Pyro application)
  • Ororon (Crowd control, Electro application)

In this team, Chasca and company create a storm of Vaporize, Overload, and Electro-Charged reactions to decimate their opponents. Furina and Bennett bring their Elemental Bursts to increase the team’s overall damage output, while Ororon clumps together the monsters to give Chasca an easier time aiming.

Vape Team

  • Chasca (Driver)
  • Bennet (Buffer, Pyro application)
  • Furina (Buffer, Hydro application)
  • Xiangling (Sub-DPS, Hydro application)

If Chasca’s Hydro and Pyro-infused Shadowhunt Shells aren’t devastating enough, Xiangling and Furina’s off-field damage can seal the deal. Unlike the previous team, this composition can trigger more consistent Vape reactions at the cost of crowd control.

Chasca’s kit is perfect for Travellers who prefer spontaneity over efficiency and min-maxed rotations. The random nature of her Shadowhunt Shells drives Travellers to rely on her movement and positioning to weave through battles unscathed. Would she be the perfect addition to your Genshin Impact roster? Remember to top up your Genesis Crystals only through Codashop for an easier and safer experience!



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