Best MLBB Heroes You Need to Get in 2022


Best heroes in mobile legends to get

The new year sets off another epic adventure for Mobile Legends:Bang Bang players as our favorite heroes storm to battle in the Land of Dawn! Last year, eleven characters came to the roster, and this time, we’re excited for the new faces and adjustments to level the playing field. So, without further ado, here are the best MLBB heroes to get in this 2022!

Best MLBB Fighters – Top Tier Damage

Things are shaking up in the most crowded class in MLBB. With more than 30 MLBB heroes specializing in close-range combat, these melee warriors do heavy damage and can even tank their way to fill in the gap.


Best MLBB Heroes Roger with his Fiend Haunter skinRoger with his Fiend Haunter skin

Besides being the face of M3 (and getting two awesome skins!), Roger remains a viable pick this year. This versatile Fighter/Marksman can quickly chase low-HP enemies and escape simultaneously. He can deal very serious damage and even shift to ranged attacks when needed. 


Best heroes in mobile legends Phoveus with his basic skin - Horror Bringer
Phoveus with his basic skin – Horror Bringer

Enemies with blink skills trembled at the sight of this powerful fighter. Phoveus made a good account of himself with his chase and control capability, giving players a solid option to counter agile enemies. On top of that, he has high burst damage and pesky crowd control capabilities.


Best heroes in mobile legends Bane in his Warlord skin
Bane in his Warlord skin

The resurgence of the Frozen King has made Bane mains happy, as he is now more relevant in ranked play. He belongs to the top 20 MLBB heroes with the highest win rate. He is more adaptable in battle with his magic or physical build. Destroying turrets with his ultimate is a big plus!

We’re also giving a special mention to the upcoming hero Yin, the Martial Genius, who has the ability to pull an enemy into another domain with his Ultimate.

Best MLBB Marksman – High Damage

A team needs a solid and reliable heavy-hitter to wipe out the opposing team during critical team fights. It is important to pick a hero with high damage and critical, as well as great range.


Best heroes in mobile legends Clint with his new Operator CL Starlight skin
Clint with his new Operator CL Starlight skin

Clint is back on top and will be a game-changer this year. The West Justice is leading the stats with his high win rate and usage. He is also among those with a high ban rate. Clint is easy to use, can immobilize targets and deal serious burst damage with his passive and first skill.


Best heroes in mobile legends Beatrix in her Elite Blitz Attack skin
Beatrix in her Elite Blitz Attack skin

The marksman with the most weapons, Beatrix is lording it over the competition with her insane damage. The ability to switch between four different weapons to capitalize on different situations makes her very dangerous. She has great carry potential and does not require mana.

Best MLBB Mage – Wide Skill Range

Every team needs a good Mage to provide burst damage during team fights and facilitate crowd control. Generally, they are squishy but given a solid company, their magic damage can be a solid contributor.


Best heroes in mobile legends Valentina in her Twilight Charmer skin
Valentina in her Twilight Charmer skin

Valentina sits on top of the banned list during ranked games because of her unique skillset, particularly her ultimate. Being able to copy her enemies’ ulti gives her the upper hand in different situations. She also has serious burst damage and can copy any skin she desires.


Best heroes in mobile legends Yve in her Forest Hymn skinYve in her Forest Hymn skin

Yve has been in the meta and was a big revelation from last year. She became a staple pick in high profile tournaments like MPL, MSC, and the world championships. The damage area of her ultimate is enormous! Enemies also have a headache with Yve’s annoying crowd control.


Best heroes in mobile legends Lylia wearing her Special Haunted Doll skinLylia wearing her Special Haunted Doll skin

This Little Wizard has good mobility and is very shifty thanks to her ultimate. She is hard to target and enemies have a difficult time facing her in early game. Lylia is also capable of serious damage with her explosive skills so be very careful!

Best MLBB Assassin – Quick Kills

Consider these agile heroes your team’s contract killers. They have what it takes to kill or disable roaming targets with impeccable timing. They have high burst damage, excellent mobility and use the element of surprise to hunt and get the upper hand. 


Best heroes in mobile legends skin Aamon in his Night’s Edge skin
Aamon in his Night’s Edge skin

Gusion’s brother is destined to dominate. Well at least, if he gets out of the banned zone. Seriously, Aamon is the complete package – a master assassin who has insane damage (both skills and basic attacks), has speed, and invisibility. Too OP, his mana shards hit hard!


Best heroes in mobile legends Hayabusa in his Epic, Double 11 Shura skin
Hayabusa in his Epic, Double 11 Shura skin

The revamped Hayabusa is the key to help you climb the Mythic rank. No one wants to face this crimson assassin – he reigns in 1v1’s, will chase enemies to death and is difficult to capture. He is a good pusher and finds a way to get out of trouble.

Best MLBB Tank Heroes – Extra Durability

Tanks are the most durable and probably the strongest hero in a team. They provide support and sacrifice their bodies to save their teammates. They lead the charge, facilitate crowd control, and set opportunities for their damage dealers to wreak havoc during team fights.


Best heroes in mobile legends Lolita in her Special Op skin
Lolita in her Special Op skin

Lolita has the highest win rate among heroes. She is an amazing support and tank with strong, late-game ganking. Her diminutive size says nothing about her crowd control dominance as her ultimate is great in setting up team fights. She also provides shield and can block projectiles.


Best heroes in mobile legends Hylos in his Epic Iron Steed skin
Hylos in his Epic Iron Steed skin

Hylos is another tank with a high win rate. He is easy to use and is very durable with his vast health pool. The Grand Warden can also deal consider damage and harass enemies. His healing skill also makes him a solid pick especially in fights that go the distance. 

Best MLBB Support Heroes – Heal & Sustain

To aid and protect – that’s what your support does From providing shield and granting healing to allies, these heroes provide excellent back up to keep everyone in the team alive.


Best heroes in mobile legends Floryn’s Springtide basic skin
Floryn’s Springtide basic skin

Floryn is perhaps the best healer in Mobile Legends right now. Her ultimate provides healing for the entire team located anywhere on the map. She also has a unique passive that grants an extra equipment slot for a chosen ally, very handy to buff your core heroes. 


Best heroes in mobile legends Mathilda’s Floral Crown Elite skin
Mathilda’s Floral Crown Elite skin

Mathilda proved her mettle not just as an excellent support and initiator, but also as a go-to option with her high damage. She is valuable during team fights with her ultimate. This hybrid support/assassin has a high cap, provides buff and a free ‘flicker’ to allies with her second skill.


Best heroes in mobile legends Faramis, the Alchemist
Faramis, the Alchemist

Surprised to see this underrated support in this list? Well, we are keeping our hopes up for Faramis as he is finally scheduled to have his much-deserved revamp this year. Besides his resurrection skills and high CC, what else are you looking forward to about this fallen magician?


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